Testing new enhancements off

Is this suitable for you?
When you enter the Advertisement Settings, check out the Advantage+ Creative section. Here you can test new optimizations that are not found in the Basic Advantages + Creative Enhancements.
I stayed because I took risks. But now it’s closed and I can’t turn it back on.
What is missing?
When I click for details, the checkbox for testing new enhancements turns gray.
Recently, I can turn on four enhancements when checking this, which is fun.
1. Image extension.
2. Background generation.
3. extract.
4. Video extension.
Where did they go?
When we choose, we are told that these enhancements will be less than 5% of the ad impression, so it is always obvious that they will be rarely used. This is always a mystery if you use these, or when they work. But this is a question of all advantages + creative enhancement.
So where did these go? These don’t seem to be entering the main enhancements yet, and this is my first guess. But maybe they’ll be here soon.
Otherwise, is this a mistake? Will tests and new optimizations appear soon? Maybe there are only a few advertisers who can access this issue now? I checked several ad accounts and saw the same thing.
I suspect anyone will lose sleep due to it, but I’m curious. What do you see?