Social Media

Taiwan beneficiaries and payers

There are new beneficiary and payer requirements. You may see an alert in Ads Manager with the following message:

Taiwan ads require verification: According to Taiwanese regulations, advertising in Taiwan requires verified beneficiary and payer information.

This applies if you specifically target Taiwan and run remarketing or other ads globally. If you can contact someone in Taiwan, that applies.

How to set up

To set this up, go to Ads Settings and click Default Beneficiaries and Payers. This allows you to define the account in scope.

Taiwan beneficiaries and payers

You may have already defined this for the EU.

Beneficiaries and payers

Do it now for Taiwan.

Taiwan beneficiaries and payers

A beneficiary is a person or organization that directly benefits from your ad.

Taiwan beneficiaries and payers

The payer is the person or organization for whom payment is made.

Taiwan beneficiaries and payers

These may be the same person or company. If there are no options to choose from, you may need to complete the verification process.

ad group

When you create an ad set that reaches users in Taiwan, the Beneficiaries and Payers sections appear. If your ad promotes financial products and services, a checkbox will also appear.

Taiwan beneficiaries and payers

This is just another requirement unique to ads in certain regions. Does it apply to you?

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