Simplify virus detection for faster pandemic response

Understanding is crucial to the speed of diagnosis and the speed of infection when a pandemic can quickly cross boundaries. The core process of this challenge is to extract essential components of the virus, a task facing obstacles such as material shortages, high costs and the long time required for diagnosis. These problems are particularly severe in the field of lack of exquisite equipment for this important task, resulting in delays in basic treatment approaches. This study begins a journey to simplify this critical process, utilizing widely available laboratory materials to explore faster ways to extract these important components. By focusing on methods that can be easily adopted in a wide range of laboratory capabilities, the goal is to overcome obstacles to rapid diagnosis and treatment, which is a critical step beyond the spread of infectious diseases.
In an era when rapid and effective diagnostic measures are crucial to managing the pandemic outbreak, a groundbreaking study led by Dr. Asif Awaludin and Dr. Hesti Wiraswati of National Research and Innovation Agency and Padjadjaran University, as well as Ilma Ma’ruf, Ilma Ma’ruf, Ilma Ma’ruf, Dr. Harry Septanto, Dr. Savira Ekawardhani, Dr. Lia Faridah, Dr. Lia Faridah, Amila Laelalugina, Dr. Shabarni Gaffar of the same institution, and Dr. Imam Djati of the Bandund Technology Institute, reveal the importance of this technology Advances to extract the technology to extract building block virus (NAE). This collaborative effort, published in the Journal of Drug Analysis, introduces new approaches to accelerate disease detection by improving the basic NAE process for rapid testing.
The team is committed to refining two main methods: one uses heat and the other uses magnetic particles, designed to make the extraction process simpler and faster, which is essential for timely detection of pathogens. Dr. Awaludin stressed the importance of their work, noting that “our enhancement of the technology for viral component extraction greatly reduces the time required for pathogen detection, which is crucial in pandemic situations.” In rapid responses can be greatly This approach is particularly important in environments that affect disease management and control efforts.
Dr. Wiraswati shared insights into the practical application of his discovery: “The method of using heating to extract the virus that causes Covid-19 can be easily implemented in the lab, even in those labs without advanced separation equipment.” The approach promises to make basic diagnostic tests easier to access and potentially change public health landscapes in areas with limited resources.
Furthermore, the study highlights the benefits of using magnetic particles to adjust speed during the process to improve the efficiency of isolating these viral building blocks. “The need to change the speed during the mixing process to improve extraction efficiency”, Dr. Wiraswati noted, suggesting a direct and influential strategy to enhance diagnostic accuracy.
The impact of this study goes beyond academic interest and promises significantly impact global responses to the pandemic. By making the process of extracting virus building blocks faster and easier to obtain, the research team quickly diagnoses and treats cycles around the world to ensure a stronger defense against disease transmission. This collaborative effort not only marks a breakthrough in science, but also paves the way for the development of affordable local manufacturing equipment to develop devices for extracting virus building blocks. This advancement represents an important step towards a more equitable health solution, making rapid testing a reality for the global community.
Journal Reference
Asif Awaludin, Hesti Wiraswati, Ilma Ma’Ruf, Harry Septanto, Savira Ekawardhani, Lia Faridah, Amila Laelalugina, Shabarni Gaffar, Imam Djati, Imam Djati, Optimization, Nucleic Acid Extraction Method for High Nucleic Acid Content, to Fast Detection of High Pre-Pre- Processing, with a high level of magazine analysis, 2023.DOI:
About the Author
Dr. Hesti Lina Wiraswatiis an instrument of the Department of Biomedical Sciences, Medical School, Padi Haran University, Indonesia. Her research, thanks to the Teknologi Bandung Interal degree in Indonesia (in the Indonesia-French dual degree program at Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus), covers mitochondrial stress responses that cancer cells regulate cell death pathways, biographical images, and biomarkers. Her biochemistry background expands her interest in exploring methods and diagnostic tools in molecular biology, especially for cancer applications. Her current research portfolio also includes cancer cell responses caused by stress agents caused by synthetic compounds and natural products.

Asif Aswaludin He is a senior researcher at the Center for Atmospheric and Climate Research at the National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN). He received his Ph.D. School of Information Science, School of Advanced Integrated Science, Chiba University, Japan in 2018. His current research portfolio includes biomedical engineering, weather and air quality and air quality, remote sensing, signal processing and artificial intelligence.