Reveal employees’ commitment to sustainability: cross -cultural perspective

The average score of the measuring project recognition (OI), environmental responsibility (ER) and Green Human Resources Management (GHRM) of Portuguese and Slovakia and Slovakia.
As sustainability becomes more and more concerned, employees’ contributions to the internal environment of the organization are critical. Organization is striving to enhance the impact of the environment. The role of employees in promoting and practicing environmental friendship is more important than ever. The new adaptation and verification of the questionnaire provides a reliable way to measure these behaviors of various cultural backgrounds, so as to provide valuable insights for the organization how to better support and encourage its labor force.
A group of researchers have successfully adjusted and verified a questionnaire, which measures the OcBe of the Organization of the Environment to use it in Portuguese and Slovak’s cultural environment. This job was led by Dr. Manuel and Dr. CarlamagalhãES, Dr. Claudia Huber, Professor Artur Costa and Joséalves of Lusófonaunivers, and Dr. Lukášsmerek of Matej Bel University. Their discovery was published in the magazine of “Administrative Science”.
The main motivation behind this study is that the importance of organizational environmental performance is becoming increasingly important, and reliable tools are required to measure employee behavior that helps sustainability. With the efforts of global organizations to strengthen the impact of the environment, the role of employees in promoting and practicing environmental friendly behaviors is very important.
The research team uses strict methodology to ensure that the questionnaire is reliable and effective in different cultural backgrounds. This process includes translation, adaptation and verification, involving bilingual translation, expert reviews and prediction tests to ensure the correlation and clarity of the content. The final questionnaire surveyed the sample test from Portugal and Slovakia, showing good functional equivalent, content effectiveness and reliability. Dr. Manuel emphasized the importance of this research: “Our research emphasizes the importance of cross -cultural adaptation to the creation of reliable tools to merge about the environment of organizational citizenship. The organization of effective environmental sustainability is important “
Researchers have adopted a comprehensive method to adapt to questionnaires, including forward and backward translations. The expert committee commented and tested. Use Portuguese and Slovakia to evaluate the psychological measurement characteristics of the questionnaire. Studies have found that the impact of adapted questionnaires on evaluating employee practice and organizational management on promoting environmental sustainability is effective and reliable.
One of the important discoveries of the study is the similarities of OCBE’s step structure between Portuguese and Slovak. This similarity emphasizes the effectiveness of the adaptation process, and emphasizes the general applicability of the OCBE construct. The questionnaire shows that both employees in the two countries are engaged in ecological measures and environmental protection participation, showing their commitment to environmental sustainability.
In addition, among these two countries, the average rating is declining in the aspect of organizational identification order (OI)> Environmental Responsibility (ER)> Green Human Resources Management (GHRM), which means that workers’ questions about how they agree with them are more. In order to actively answer the values of the organization, rather than the responsibility for the organization of the organization to the environment and green management. These results also show that Portuguese employees and organizations in this study know more about environmental issues because Slovakia’s rating is lower than Portugal. Surprisingly, this discovery does not confirm that Slovakia is currently ranked 18th, the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) scores 60.0, and Portugal ranks 48th and scores 50.4, updated in 2022. This provides a quantitative foundation for evaluating the environmental performance of 180 countries.
Dr. Manuel pointed out: “The process of adaptation of cross -cultural adaptation is meticulous, ensuring that the questionnaire is not only accurately translated, but also culturally related. This method ensures that the strong and diverse cultural environment is found. “
The results show that despite the differences in environmental management practice, both Portuguese and Slovakians believe that despite the differences, both Portuguese and Slovakians believe that despite the differences, there are still strong organizational identity and participation in the environment of the environment. This discovery shows that organizing culture and leadership plays a vital role in promoting environmental behavior between employees.
These findings are of great significance for the organization aimed at improving environmental performance. By understanding the factors that affect employees’ environmental behavior, organizations can formulate targeted strategies to promote sustainability. The adaptation questionnaire provides a reliable tool to measure these behaviors, which can be used in future research to further explore the impact of organizational practice on environmental sustainability.
In short, Dr. Candida Manuel and his colleagues’ cross -cultural adaptation of the OCBE questionnaire provides valuable tools for seeking and improving its environmental performance. This study emphasizes the importance of cultural adaptation in the creation of reliable measurement tools, and emphasizes the universal correlation of organizational citizens’ behavior on the environment.
Journal reference
Manuel, CANDIDA DUARTE, Carla Rebelomagalhães, Claudia Maria Huber, Lukášsmerek, Artur Fernandes Costa and Joséribeiroalves. “Cross -cultural adaptive questionnaires, measure the organizational citizenship of the environment.” Administrative Science 14 (2024): 57. Doi: https: //
About the author

Duarte manuel It is an associate professor at the University of Lusófona. She is also the director of the Bachelor of Environmental Engineering and is a researcher. In the School of Natural Science, Engineering and Technology (FCNet), she teaches engineering courses, such as mathematics, statistics, analysis of chemistry, and water quality and treatment. At present, her research focuses on indoor air quality and microbiology, sustainability and teaching practice of higher education environment.
In 2008, at the School of Engineering of the University of Porto, she completed a doctorate degree in engineering science, specializing in the physical and chemical quality of drinking water and the quality of microbiology, as well as the influence of biofilms and pipeline materials. In addition, she has a master’s degree in engineering and chemical engineering degrees of FEUP.

Carla Marisa Rebelo Demagalhães In 2009, he cooperated with GetúliovargasFoundation in the University of MINHO (School of Economics and Management) and Rio de Janeiro. He obtained a doctorate in 2009 at the University of MINHO (Management C first resources) in 2009. Since 2003, she has the Rio de Janeiro (RIO de Janeiro) and international relations degree since 2003. Since 2003, she has a master’s degree in public administrative degree (engaged in a bachelor’s degree in human resources and marketing, ), Since 1997. The University of Pessoa. She is an associate professor at the University of Lusófona (School of Social and Commercial Economics Sciences) and invited a professor of assistant professors at the University of Economics and Management. She developed her own research activity in Intrepid Lab, which was integrated into the hub-cross-disciplinary development research center of Cetrad.

Claudia Maria Huber Since 2020, he has been a lecturer at the University of Porto Luoshowa. Between 2013 and 2019, she was a teacher in Católicadesanta Catarina in Joinville / Santa Caraina in Brazil. Between 2008 and 2011, she managed the People’s Management Zone of Unimed Noroeste. From 2006 to 2008, she took over the coordination of the University of Unicruz. At the same time, she constituted a management consulting company called “VR Consultoria Organization” and worked in the public and private sector. After the management of the School of Economics at the University of Porto (Portugal) (Portuguese), doctoral degree in management. The Master of Development from the Northwest Regional University (Brazil) from Rio Grande Do Sul. Professional management from the comprehensive regional university from the URI (Brazil), as well as the economic science degree from the University of Cruz Alta from the Unicruz (Brazil) in Brazil. Research interests are related to management, especially in management.

Lukášsmerek (Lukášsmerek) He worked at the Matej Bel University School of Economics at the Banskábysstrica of Slovakia, where he served as an associate professor and the position of an associate professor with practice with practice. He taught human resource management and management communication such as Slovakia and English.
He participated in the completion of six national scientific projects as researchers, deputy project leaders and project leaders. He currently leads the project team of the International Vegrad Foundation “the challenges facing the past and the future in the V4 countries.” He also participated in the national project of the national project “as the engine of knowledge society”, which is part of the education plan education.
His publishing activities are mainly concentrated in human resources management. He is a co -author of the four subject monographs. Two scientific papers listed in the current content database of WOS, four papers in journals registered in WOS or Scopus databases, and other other in family and foreign journals or litigation procedures 22 papers. In addition, he published 16 papers at the domestic and international science conferences, 8 of which registered in WOS or Scopus databases, and 3 works in professional journals at home and abroad. So far, his publication has recorded more than 170 quotes, of which more than 100 references are registered in WOS or Scopus quotes. He is an active member of several non -universities including the European Marketing and Management Association (Eumass), Slovak People’s Management Academic Association (SAAPM), and lecturers and vocational consultants (ALKP). He is also the regular appraiser of the national project and the editor of the “Human Resources Management Magazine”-the progress and development of human resources.