
Professor of Ohio State University awarded Henry Draper Medal

Adam Leroy (Adam Leroy)Ohio State University professor of astronomy, was appointed as Henry Draper Medal in 2025.

Depend on National Academy of SciencesThe Henry Draper (Henry Draper) medals celebrated the “recent investigations of astronomy physics. It is very important, the benefits of science and worthy of recognition.” It is awarded every four years.

Leroy’s work is selected as “unprecedented details, the physical properties of the interstellar medium and the relationship between Starway System formation in the nearby galaxy” for pioneering efforts. ”

David Horn, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences of Ohio State University, said: “We are glad to receive Professor Leeroy of Henry Draper Medal.”

“His pioneering contribution has increased our understanding of the cosmic composition and history. This honorary award has further improved the reputation of our outstanding astronomical department.”

The interstellar media studied by Leroy is gas and dust between stars. The material fills the space in the galaxy and usually contains the original leftovers of the universe. Because this is a complex ecosystem that the future star was born and a complex ecosystem that connects the past and the descendants, the interstellar medium is an important research goal in many astronomy fields.

“Understanding how the cosmic ecosystem develops is an important topic of astronomy.” “Because we have provided us in the past five to ten years, we have been able to put this theme on the focus to make The new observation result finally answered our questions for decades.

Leroy said that using special telescope to study various lights, especially radio and infrared light, so that scientists can directly stare at the interstellar media. Before coming to Ohio State University, Leroy (Leroy ATACAMA large millimeter/sub -millimeter array (ALMA) and Very large array (VLA) radio telescope facility.

There, he began to study the formation of molecular gas and stars in galaxies with cutting -edge technologies. This has caused him to create together PHANGS-ALMA projectIt is now widely considered to be the first systematic investigation of many star nursery and galaxies in our sky.

“Many people used a type of light to conduct a galaxy or a small part of our galaxy using a type of light and obtained a lot of details, but missed the overall situation.” With PhanGs, we strive to bring all the world in the world in the world. The best telescope is arranged into a group of galaxies to take photos of the entire cosmic ecosystem. ”

Although scientists in the past can only obtain blurring or blurred pictures of gas and dust in the distant galaxy, today, these same structures can be seen in detail.

By combining the ALMA radio array with a powerful musical instrument Hubble Space Telescope and James Weber Space TelescopeThe Phang-ALMA project has drawn more than 100,000 stars, dust and new birth stars, providing in-depth landscapes for the new generation of celestial physicists.

“What we do is to establish a observation foundation, which can tell us how to change from the universe of the dispersed hydrogen to the universe of stars and galaxies we see around us.” “Our observation result is the galaxy How to turn gas into the core physics of stars. “

Many of the previous winners of the Henry Draper Medal in Henry Draper: Six winners have won the honor of the National Science Medal, while nine winners continue to win Nobel Prize in Physics.

“This medal is very verified on the impact of this work on our team.” “Research on interstellar medium and star formation is important to many fields, but sometimes it may be research research. Seeing it attracted people’s imagination at the same level as black holes and pulse stars.

The recipient also received a cash reward of $ 25,000, and Leroy plans to further cooperate with international colleagues (other members of the Phangs-Alma team). Leroy praised the collaboration and support scientific environment of Ohio State University to help him win awards.

He said: “Ohio State University’s astronomical department is famous for its exciting and supportive atmosphere.” “This is a wonderful place for cutting -edge research.”

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