No longer existing customer budget cap

Existing Customer Budget Cap is a feature that allows you to limit the percentage of your existing customers’ budget while running Advantage+ shopping.
You use audiences to define existing customers. Unfortunately, this option is disappearing…
what happened?
If you still have this option, there will be no time. I stumbled upon a new Help Center article with the following:
Existing customer budget caps are no longer available. You can still do the same thing manually.
So…what should you do if you use the feature?
How to copy it
If you want to copy this feature, you will not be able to use Advantage+ Shopping. Meta Suggestions have two options:
1. Create a manual sales campaign with ad sets that do not include custom audiences that represent your existing customers. This will be equivalent to exploration advantage + shopping activities, with an existing customer budget cap of 0%.
2. Create a manual sales campaign using two separate ad sets, each using the original audience. One ad set is only for your existing customers. Another ad set aims to be broad while excluding customers.
If you use Advantage Campaign budgets, META will best allocate your budget between these ad sets. In this case, to copy the cap, you will set a spending limit for an ad set.
Will this affect you?