
Nest War: Evolution’s answer to egg survival

The miracle of nature’s design, the function of bird eggshell far exceeds the inner life. This complex bioceramic structure consists primarily of calcium carbonate, not only a shelter for embryonic development, but also serves as a powerful barrier to external threats. It is worth noting that it balances the subtle interaction between power and the necessity of emerging chick release. A fascinating evolutionary dance of bird brooding parasites, some of which cunningly place eggs in the nests of other species, showcasing the creativity of nature. These parasitic birds have been abandoned to raising offspring and instead developed eggs that not only deceive the host species by imitating them, but also have incredibly resilient. This evolutionary innovation emphasizes the complex ways in which life adapts to prosperity, giving us insight into the complexity of the natural world.

A team of scientists published in Iscience reveals an engaging evolutionary strategy in obligate brooding parasites that place eggs in nests of other birds (hosts) to ensure Its survival. This outstanding research work was led by Dr. Analía López from the University of Buenos Aires and Dr. Raúl Bolmaro from the Rosario Physics Institute in Argentina. The interdisciplinary research team also includes Dr. Seung Choi of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Yong Park of Seoul National University, Dr. Daniel Hanley of George Mason University, Jin-Won Lee of Kyung Hee University and Dr. Marcel Honza from the Czech Academy of Sciences. Together, they shed light on how certain birds develop incredibly tough and intense eggshells to surpass predators and competitive hosts, a discovery that challenges previous understanding and opens up new biomimicry avenues for artificial materials.

The scientists’ findings point to complex adaptive shifts in the outermost layer of the eggshell (Palisade layer), where complex grain boundary microstructures, rather than just thickness, enhance mechanical and functional performance. “The complexity of the GB microstructure within the eggshell fence significantly increases its resistance to rupture,” explains Dr. Bolmaro. These adaptive transfers highlight the key evolutionary edges of the egg destruction strategy adopted by host birds, indicating in eggs A contest of subtle weapons at the microscopic level of shell structure.

The team’s comprehensive egg collection spans North America, Europe and East Asia, involving a careful examination of various brood parasite hosting systems. Dr. Bolmaro shared that detailed electron reverse diffraction (EBSD) analysis (EBSD) analysis was collected from eggs from related species, allowing us to carefully map GB networks and crystal orientations. “This approach reveals the microscopic and ultrastructural patterns of the enhanced toughness and strength of eggshells, providing a new lens through which avian evolutionary strategies can be understood.

In discussing their approach to obtaining EBSD data, the researchers specifically chose a lawsuit for a state-of-the-art statistical method that minimizes non-independent effects between species due to their shared lineage. Dr. Lopez added: “This phylogenetic comparative statistical framework is crucial to clearly identify the microstructure differences between brood parasites and their host’s eggshells, revealing the evolutionary advances in these bird species.”

This study not only enriches our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of birds, but also proposes interesting implications for the field of materials science. The principles of these eggshells’ natural engineering basis may inspire the development of new materials that mimic their toughness and resilience, integrating the wisdom of nature with human creativity.

Through the collaborative efforts of Dr. López and her colleagues, not only highlights a fascinating aspect of bird life, but also paves the way for future material design and engineering innovation. Their work demonstrates the enduring power of interdisciplinary research in uncovering the secrets of the natural world. number:

Figure 1. Left. Chalk Eyebrow Egg (Mocking Bird (Mimus Saturninus.Molothrus bonariensis). Force and displacement curve recorded during the egg test of Screaming Cowbird (molotthrus rufoaxillaris) and two owners, are grey bay wings (Agelaioides Badius) and brown and yellow swamp birds (Virescens, a pseudo-politician). These two parasitic cattle birds (from South America) often peck and pierce other eggs in nest visits and egg events, including eggs from other parasites. Right. Brown cow bird’s eggs (molotthrus ater) and its owner, the red-winged black bird (Agelaius Phoeniceus). Ordinary cuckoo eggs (cuculus cuculus canorus) and its owner are the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). A brown-headed cattle bird (from North America) usually drops a host egg when ejected by grasping or puncture. Overall, the egg behavior frequency of this cow bird is much lower than that of the other two similar cow birds. Parasitic azalea does not pierce the eggs in the host nest. However, the cuckoo usually removes and consumes 1-2 host eggs (ejected by grip) before producing its own eggs. Instead, most azalea hosts have beaks too small to catch the parasitic eggs, so they often peck and pierce the eggs before they are ejected from the nest (piercing ejaculation). center. EBSD diagram of the cross-section of the eggshell of ordinary cuckoo (cuculus cuculus canorus) and its owner are the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). Parasitic cuckoos (and parasitic oval birds from South America) show higher density boundaries between crystals (or grains), forming a complex network of paths.
Figure 2. East Phoebe (Sayornis Phoebe)Nest three owners with white eggs and two brown cow birds (molotthrus ater)egg. Image source: Analía V. López (New York, USA).
Figure 3. House wren (troglodytes aedon musculus) Use a shiny cow bird’s nest (Molothrus bonariensis) Egg. Image source: Analía V. López (Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina).

Journal Reference

Analía V. López, Seung Choi, Yong Park, Daniel Hanley, Jin-Won Lee, Marcel Honza, Raúl E. Bolmaro, “Avian Pollatite fresh brood parasitic lineage evolved into variable complex complex polycrystalline structures to build hard eggshells”, Iscience, Iscience, Isscience, Isscience, Isscience, December 15, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023, 2023. .


Image 1 reference

Edited charts from: López AV, Bolmaro RE, Ávalos M, Gerschenson LN, Reboreda JC, Fiorini VD, Tartalini V, Risso P, Risso P, Hauber ME. (2021) How to establish an eggshell that is resistant to puncture and damage? Mechanical and structural analysis of bird brood parasites and their hosts. J. Exp. biology. 224, JEB243016. doi:10.1242/jeb.243016

LópezAV, Choi S, Park Y, Hanley D, Lee JW, Honza M, Bolmaro RE. (2023). Avian compulsory breeding parasitic lineages evolve variable complex polycrystalline structures to build stronger eggshells. Iscience 26:108552. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2023.108552

About the Author

RaúlE. Dr. Bolmaro – Physicist. He received his Ph.D. in Ph.D. in Ph.D. from La Plata University, Argentina. He is at Los Alamos National Laboratory (USA) and at Deutches Elektronen Syncrotron and Helmholtz-Zentrum Geestacht-Centre ) Several studies were conducted for materials and coastal studies, Geestacht, Germany. His research Epertisse covers material science and technology such as material texture, X-rays, neutrons and synchronous radiation, and EBSD. His major achievements cover a variety of metals, alloys, biomaterials, ceramics, etc. He is currently the Director of Physics and Micromechanics of the Heterogeneous Materials Group, Fiísicarosario Instical Instical Instical Instical Instical and Senior Researcher, Conicet, Argentina.

Analía V. Dr. López – Biologist. She received her PhD in Biology from the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina (2021). Her main research focuses on the structural and mechanical characteristics in the avian systems of avian parasites and hosts in the context of co-evolutionary “weapon races”. Different systems differ in the destructive behavior of eggshell pecking, which will act as a selective pressure mechanism that shapes the evolution of egg phenotype differences. To explore behavioral and reproductive ecology issues in specific parasite-host systems and to examine the evolutionary fusion between independent brooding parasite independent lineages around the world, her research work requires a multidisciplinary approach. She is currently working with researchers in Taiwan and Argentina who are internationally recognized for their contributions in mechanical and (bio)material engineering. Her work combines a wide range of field behavior research, engineering technology and mathematical modeling, and the latest phylogenetic comparison methods.

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