Navigation Identity: The Role of Family Communication in Self-Development

Throughout the age, the pursuit of understanding oneself fascinates every corner of the world. This invisible tapestry is woven based on the clues of our experience, beliefs and interactions, and the shape is who we are and how we view the world around us. However, one of the most profound effects on this complex structure remains the environment that is closest to us: our family. In the family realm, the foundations of our identity are laid, influenced by silent dialogue, spoken language and self-evident bonds, we associate us with those we call relatives. Here, in the crucible of family life, we embark on a lifelong journey of self-discovery, learning to browse the waters of personality and belonging. This exploration of the core of self-development illuminates our earliest social interactions, especially in the family, laying the foundational identity for the people we become.
In the complex journey of identity formation, the influence of family communication patterns is a decisive force that shapes the outline of our self-cognition and social interaction. Dr. Ömer Erdoğan of Kastamonu University delves into this topic in depth, revealing the profound impact of family dynamics on self-evolution from childhood to adolescence. His research, published in *Heliyon*, uncovers the nature of family dialogue and how the direction of integration or dialogue in a family unit mimics an individual’s identity, emotional well-being, and their ability to build meaningful relationships.
Dr. Erdoğan’s research divides family communication into two main directions: dialogue and compliance. He found that those who encourage open dialogue and personal expression originated from conversation-oriented families, reporting stronger sense of belonging and a more positive self-image. Dr. Erdoğan explained: “In conversation-oriented families…individuals report a more positive self-image and a stronger sense of belonging…these families cultivate the environment in which each member’s voice is voiced.”
Instead, the study highlights the struggles faced by individuals in consistent families where compliance with collective norms often inhibits individual expression. “In a consistent-oriented family, unity is valued for personal expression, and participants tell the more turbulent journey of self-discovery,” Dr. Erdogan noted. He noted that this environment challenges personal growth and self-select Exploration leads to problems of self-esteem and isolation.
As adolescence is in a period of major transformation and self-inquiry, Erdogan’s findings reveal how early family dynamics affect this critical stage. Teens from conversation backgrounds navigate through this turbulent time with a strong sense of self and social networking, excel at articulating their identities and building meaningful friendships. Dr. Erdoğan stressed: “Adolescents in conversation-oriented families seem to browse these waters with a stronger sense of self,” stressing the resilience of these people to face challenges inherent in adolescence.
This study also puts the challenges encountered by adolescents from an integration-oriented context, often struggling to address the intensified issues of self-esteem and social belonging. “These adolescents often face greater challenges in dealing with issues of self-esteem and social belonging,” Dr. Erdogan said.
In bringing this illuminating study to life, Dr. Erdogan uses a meticulous qualitative approach called explanatory phenomenological analysis. This method is due to its depth and introspective nature that allows for subtle exploration of personal life experiences. Through in-depth interviews with young people, Dr. Erdogan ventures into the complex tapestry of family dynamics, capturing how family dialogue and directions shape a person’s journey in childhood and adolescence. The choice of IPA promotes a profound, compassionate understanding of participants’ personal narratives, thus providing rich insights into the intertwined relationship between family communication and identity formation.
Through the lens of this comprehensive study, Dr. Erdogan provides valuable insight into the critical role of family communication in shaping individuals. This study not only enhances our understanding of self-development, but also reflects the nuanced ways of dynamic styling in homes. It emphasizes the importance of fostering an internal dialogue environment in the family to promote the growth of confident, confident people who can thrive in a complex social environment. In summary, Dr. Ömer Erdoğan’s exploration of the impact of family communication patterns on identity formation provides a fascinating narrative of the transformative power of dialogue and compliance in family units. It demonstrates the indelible influence of our formative social interactions, and invites reflection on the fundamental role of family dynamics in our continuous narrative in our lives.
Journal Reference
Ömer Erdoğan, “A systematic approach to self: an explanatory phenomenological analysis”, Heliyon, 2024.
About the Author
ÖmerErdoğan In 2003, he received a degree in psychology from EGE University. Double binding) communication. After serving as a student counselor at Kastamonu University from 2007 to 2018, he continued to serve as a lecturer in the same university’s psychology department. His research interests include communication psychology, social cognition, self and addiction.