
Mavericks never really overcome bad or good starts

Imagine a future where the Dairy Giants have enhanced health, productivity and well-being. This vision is based on the smallest steps, which is the nutrition provided to our youngest herd members, holding the potential to redefine cow cultivation. Such a transformative journey begins with our calf feeding methods. Far beyond mere sustenance, it is building a cornerstone to extend the lifespan and ripples of cowboys in the dairy industry. The shift in calves nutrition practice rooted in wisdom and innovation marks the starting point for the future of this conceived excellent dairy farming. Remember that Mavericks will never really overcome a bad or good start, so make sure they have a good start! In the first few months of calf life, it is possible to identify its future productivity, understanding and optimizing early nutrition industries that are crucial. Dr. Alois (Al) Kertz of Andhil LLC provides insight into the future evolution and impact of calf feeding strategies on dairy farms in his comprehensive analysis published in applied animal science. More is available in his book (see the cover below).

At the heart of modern calf breeding is the transition from traditional to more complex feeding programs. “It is important to understand and measure the composition and solid levels and to ensure which liquid is added to the liquid and how to feed it.” This meticulous liquid feeding method, especially milk or milk alternatives, is a Overall strategies designed to improve growth and health outcomes.

One of the most important changes in calf nutrition is the intake of calf starters. The relationship between milk substitutes and calf starter intake plays a crucial role in the development of the calf’s digestive system. Dr. Kertz stressed: “There is an inverse relationship between feed or milk alternatives and intake of calf starters.” This balance is crucial to ensure the correct development of the rumen in the calf and preparing for productivity.

Dr. Kertz also drew attention to the necessity of water, a nutrient that is often estimated. He asserted that “water is the most important nutrient required for dairy calves.” He stressed the importance of providing immediate access to fresh water during the milk feeding phase. This practice supports solid feed intake, which promotes overall health and growth. As Dr. Kertz outlines, modern calf feeding methods represent significant developments compared to past methods. He suggested: “Given the inverse relationship between milk substitutes (and their fat levels) and intake of calf starters, the challenge is to feed milk substitutes early before weaning.” This strategic adjustment ensures calves’ development. Functional rumbles, laying the foundation for their future as production members of the dairy herd. Additionally, Dr. Kertz touches on environmental considerations for calf feeding, emphasizing the provision of warm water in colder climates to improve growth efficiency and well-being. In short, the comprehensive analysis and advice provided by Dr. Kertz is designed not only to improve calf welfare, but also to lay a solid foundation for the future of the dairy industry. Through the combination of traditional wisdom and modern research, his work provides dairy producers with a more efficient, effective and humane pathway to calf breeding practices and promises a new era of excellent dairy farming.

Journal Reference

Kertz, AF, “Perspective and Review: Major Variables of Dairy Calf Feeding and Nutrition and Subsequent Performance”, Applied Animal Science, 2023.


About the Author

alois(al)F. Kertz Growing up on a small dairy farm in Missouri. Under the guidance of John Campbell, he received his bachelor’s degree and a woman’s degree in dairy breeding and nutrition at the University of Missouri. He served as a research nutrition officer for 2 years in the U.S. Army and then managed the food supply and platoon leader in Thailand. At Cornell University, his principal professor is JT (Tom) Reid, Ph.D. This becomes an ideal platform for understanding and using calves, heifers, dried cattle and mammalian cows and their body changes and metabolism. In 1973, he started employment under the guidance of JP Everett of the Ralston Purina Company. JP became another mentor, and AL started learning about calves and heifers while conducting 160 calves and heifers.

His book is based on the many breeding columns he wrote, many of which were excerpted and edited into the book; he is a reviewer’s model of young calfs in the 2001 dairy NRC publication; and December 2017 100 Years Review, Journal of Cavern Nutrition and Management, achieved only through the main work of 5 co-authors: Mark Hill, Jim Quigley, Judd Hein Jud Heinrichs, Jim Linn and Jim Drackley. Furthermore, through access, review and develop recommendations for many dairy operations in the United States and many other countries, the basis and understanding of practical applications provided. These visits often provide insights on how science satisfies applications. This becomes an ongoing learning process, and if science is not applicable, then maybe we don’t understand science or how science is applied.

Author’s book

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