Is it an advantage + bringing improvement?

Will the advantages + clues improve our current choices?
Meta announces new simplified benefits + campaign creation tests for sales, apps and leadership goals. I’ve been looking forward to Advantage+ Leads since Meta first made fun of it in late 2023.
The value of this new option will depend on its functionality. Let’s discuss…
Qualified clues
During early testing, Meta said the Advantage + Leads resulted in a “10% reduction in average cost per qualified lead.” The “qualified lead” section is important.
Does this mean this new option improves lead optimization? If this is nothing more than locking the default, it may not be that interesting. We already have this in tailored leads, and that doesn’t help.
Advantages + Audience Issues
Advantage+ Leads Leverages Advantage+ Audience, I find that the strengths of potential customers + audiences often lead to low quality. The reason is how it works.
The algorithm focuses on giving you the largest potential customers on your budget. It will look for opportunities to find these clues – technically, quality is not important (for the algorithm).
I find that it usually focuses my budget on cheap prospects for people aged 65 and older. Theoretically, the algorithm is doing its essence: Find more prospects from me. But whether this is eligible is crucial.
The problem is that any advantage + audience offers the highest age, and the Me will ignore it completely to gain cheap leads.
These low-quality prospects are a total waste of money.
stay tuned
Whether there are advantages + clues is a big update depending on this question: Will it actually lead to higher quality clues?
If not, please come back to me once this problem is solved.