
Improving the use of young plasma-Josh Mitteeldorf to enhance experimental anti-aging treatment

The large dose of a large dose of intravenous injection has proven to have extraordinary rejuvenation in rats. We already know for 5 years, but the time to transform into human tests is very slow. It is not for technical reasons, but because of business secrets and intellectual property laws, and those who cannot ensure that translation research will profit from finished products.

During this period, based on such a successful technology among rats, weaker human treatment develops around weaker human treatment. Plasma infusion is a good, safe and approved trauma damage and other applications. It has been adapted from a dex clinic into a anti -aging therapy. For tens of thousands of dollars, an old man can buy two liters of plasma from young donors to ensure healthy young donors.

For those rich people, there is a limit of two liters, because the number of human circulation systems can only be stretched so much. Putting extra fluids into the system may be dangerous on the arterial wall. Generally, one liter of plasma can be removed and two plasma can be added to increase the net volume of one liter. (Adults may have a total of 5 liters, so it is equivalent to 20 % of the blood volume.)

Some people report the good results of this procedure, but no one returns to the young appearance, health, endurance, and potential potential to learn. Compared with mice in the mouse’s laboratory Harold Katcher or xi chenEssence I guess this is because the exosomes in these rats are far greater than about 35 % of the alternatives achieved by Texas Clinic. I believe that Katcher and Chen both use sufficiently large exosten infusion to overwhelm reservoirs in the old mouse in the blood of the old mice.

Proposal injecting a large plasma dose in human test

Plasma is 90 % water. If the water volume of the dose of young plasma is limited, then the obvious work is to concentrate the exosoma and other plasma components before infusion. Frozen dried plasma is a well -developed technology and has been 80 years. Under vacuum, the plasma evaporates and evaporates the temperature. In the process of 10-20 hours, almost all water was removed, and the plasma was reduced to the slurry.

This technology is developed only for long -term storage. Therefore, in hospitals, plasma usually reconstructs all its strength before management. However, with less water, plasma can be reconstructed with triple strength or higher strength. In this way, the larger young plasma dose can be injected into the old patients.


Platelets are micro -cells responsible for blood condensation. It is necessary to remove platelets from the plasma, because the blood of platelet health concentration of 3 or 4 times the blood constitutes condensation, heart disease attacks, and stroke risks. It is recommended to remove the protein and other elements of plasma to maintain its concentration within normal range.

One Experimental anti -aging clinic In California, remove old plasma and replace it with protein. When we add a young exosoma, removing the old exoscover may be meaningful

We don’t know yet

The main uncertainty is whether the young exosoma can re -program the body’s apparent genetics, so as to maintain itself. If we are lucky, then the re -programming body will produce our young exogenous body. If we are unfortunate, then the infusion of the young exosomes must be repeated, and maybe it will flow with the frequency of blood flow, which is a few months; if we are very unfortunate, then when the exoscover is cleared in the blood, we will It must be repeatedly infused, which is not practical for less than a day, and the treatment is completely unrealistic.

But the results of mice show that revival has a certain lasting power.

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