Social Media

Engagement view is now the default

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Attribution settings

You may see this message:

1-day engagement view is now selected by default to help maximize campaign performance. Through interactive views, we’ll show your video ads to the users most likely to convert.

what does that mean

Meta added engagement views as an attribution settings option a year ago. Once selected, Meta will prioritize users who convert within a day of watching the video for at least 10 seconds, with a conversion rate of 97% if the video is shorter than 10 seconds.

Until now, the default attribution setting was 7 days for clicks and 1 day for views (or 28 days for clicks and 1 day for views, back in the day). But now the 1 day engagement view is selected by default.

Of course, engagement only applies if you’re promoting your video. You can always turn it off, but I’m not sure why you would. It should only work in your favor.

evolving meaning

Side note: Sometime in the past year, Meta changed the definition of Engaged-View. Initially, this was a view-through (Meta defines “non-click”) conversion.

Engaged view attribution

It can be selected only when 1-day view is selected.

Engaged view attribution

But that is no longer the case. The “non-click” wording and the requirement to select a 1-day view have been removed.

engagement view

View engagement now appears to be part of click conversions and view conversions. Meta provides this report example:

engagement view

In other words, there are 20 total conversions, 15 of which are 1-day views and 5 of which are 1-day clicks. Of these conversions, 3 were 1-day interactive views, which could be the result of views or clicks. Engagement views have nothing to do with clicks.

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