
Capacitor-coupled substations innovate rural power supply

Electricity has become an important part of modern life, driving economies and improving global quality of life. However, in sparsely populated rural areas, conventional distribution networks often prove too expensive and impractical. To address this challenge, innovative technologies such as capacitor-coupled substations (CCs) are being explored. These substations can use high-voltage power lines to provide much-needed power to remote areas. However, how do multiple CCS units located at different distances from each other affect the stability and performance of the entire transmission network? This question drives research to ensure that the benefits of CCS technology can be exploited without destroying existing power systems.

The researchers looked at a study led by Sinqobile Nene to examine the impact of multiple CCS units on the transmission network to ensure minimal interference, the contributions of Dr. Bolanle Abe and Dr. Agha Nnachi of Tshwane Technology. Their work is published in Electronic Racing – Advances in Electronic Engineering, Electronics and Energy, revealing valuable insights into the future of rural electrification.

The main purpose of this study is to analyze how multiple CCS units are adjacent to each other and affect the transmission line voltage. The team used MATLAB/SIMULINK to model a typical electrical transmission network with a fixed supply voltage of 230 kVAC. When CCS units are connected or disconnected at separate and combined distances, they simulate the response of the system.

“Our main goal is to provide insights on the potential applications of CCS technology in rural electrification by examining its impact on transmission networks,” Nene explained. The study involved creating three CCS models and placing them in designated The distance is 500 km first, and then 100 km apart, expressed as the resistance change in simulation.

The results are encouraging. When any CCS unit is connected or disconnected, only negligible interrupts are observed in the transmission network. The system quickly stabilizes after any initial interference caused by shutting down the CCS unit or turning off the CCS unit.

In practical experiments, three prototypes were constructed to verify the simulation results. Each prototype consists of a different configuration, but maintains similar parameters to the simulation model. Monitor voltage and current behavior using True-RMS digital multimeter and oscilloscope to ensure comprehensive data collection.

“The consistent results between our simulation and actual experiments show that the deployment of CCS units does not significantly affect the overall performance of the transmission network,” Nene said. This finding is crucial for rural electrification efforts, suggesting that CCS technology can be seamlessly integrated,” said Nene. into existing power systems without causing a lot of interference.

Further analysis confirmed that the capacitance effect of CCS units on the electrical transmission network is negligible. The researchers concluded that this technology could be a viable solution to provide electricity to rural areas, especially near high-voltage lines. Their research also highlights the importance of considering CCS units to be close to each other, as it affects the stability and performance of the network.

The results of this study suggest that CCS technology can deploy CCS technology without significantly damaging the power grid, which is promising. This opens up new possibilities for expanding power to remote and underserved areas, thus contributing to overall economic development and improving living standards.

Nene highlighted the importance of further research, noting that “future research should focus on different load conditions and the maximum capacity of CCS units that can be connected without causing significant disruption.” In addition, more detailed examination of downstream systems Behaviors can provide deeper insights into optimizing CCS deployments.

In summary, Nene and her colleagues’ research conducted a comprehensive analysis of the impact of multiple CCS units on transmission networks. Their findings support the feasibility of using CCS technology for rural electrification, paving the way for power access solutions in remote areas.

Journal Reference

Nene, Sinqobile Wiseman, Bolanle Tolulope Abe and Agha Francis Nnachi. “System modeling of the impact of multiple capacitor-coupled substations on transmission networks that are differently close to each other.” E-Prime – Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy (2024): 100481. DOI:

About the Author

Mr. Sinqobile Wiseman Nene In 2015, he obtained the South African Government Certificate of Capacity (GCC) for Electrical Engineering. He received his Master of Electrical Engineering (M. Eng.) Gasification Field from Durban Technical University in 2018. He further earned his Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the Southern African School of Management in 2018, focusing on organizational structure effectiveness and published an article on financial risk and management reviews, Couscientia Beam, vol. 5 (1) in 2019. As of May 2024, he is currently a student in the Department of Tshwane Technology University of Electrical Power Engineering in South Africa, pursuing D.Eng. In power engineering. He is a member of the South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE) and the Southern African Association for Asset Management (Saama). His research areas are electrical engineering, power generation and energy systems. He can be contacted by email: [email protected]

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