
Bridging quantum mechanics and the universe with innovative relativity methods

If we know it does not exist at the heart of the cosmic structure, it will bring us into a realm that is a dominant, from microscopic particles to huge galaxies, the eternal law is all. This provocative idea evokes the basis of our understanding of reality, demonstrating the constant activity of the universe’s pulsation. This concept not only expands our knowledge, but also changes it, inviting us to see the universe as a static void, but a dynamic, continuous tapestry. Such a view not only promises to unlock new universe mysteries, but also provides a deeper understanding of all the essence of survival, thus challenging our reimagining the basic principles of curating the vastness of the universe.

The mystery of cosmic constants, an important factor in understanding the accelerated expansion of the universe, has attracted the scientific community for decades. Dr. Cláudio Nassif Cruz from the Federal University of UYO Preto introduced a groundbreaking approach to this puzzle through symmetrical special relativity (SSR). His research, published in Physics Review, provides new insights into the possible origins of cosmic constants and new perspectives for the universe.

At the heart of his investigation is the introduction of the lowest speed within the SSR framework, challenging the traditional view of space and time, and introducing novel concepts of cosmic structure. The idea comes from the principles of quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, which suggests that absolute rest is impossible, prompting us to reevaluate our basic understanding of physics.

Dr. Cruz pointed out: “The advantage of Symmetrical Special Relativity (SSR) as a modified theory of relativity is its kinematic basis, which is based on the new relativity effect, so constant The lowest speed to stop resting. “This introduction of the lowest velocity not only solves the quantum vacuum energy problem, but also provides a new angle for the problem of cosmic constant, thereby bridging the gap between quantum mechanics and cosmological observations.

“The implications of our discoveries extend the scope of theoretical physics and have the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe,” said Dr. Cruz, who highlights the importance of their discovery in providing coherent explanations for dark energy and accelerated expansion of the universe,” he said. .

Furthermore, the study carefully aligns the SSR model with the De-Sitter metric, which is commonly used to describe the universe under the influence of positive cosmic constants. Through this alignment, Dr. Cruz confirmed the applicability of the model to current astrophysical observations and its role in understanding the accelerated expansion of the universe. “Our goal is to study modified space-time through the lowest velocity – at lower energies the invariance of motion, also by forming the speed of light that is the basic symmetry of motion, and also by the higher energies of light,” Dr. Cruz Elaborates, elucidated Methodological basis of research.

This study not only challenges existing paradigms, but also opens up the deepest mysteries of the universe for future exploration. Dr. Cruz’s innovative approach is expected to enhance our understanding of the universe, thus providing insight into the fundamental forces that shape the expansion of the universe. Ultimately, this study marks a significant advance in theoretical physics, providing a compelling explanation for cosmic constants. As we continue to seek to decode the secrets of the universe, Dr. Cruz’s research provides insights that highlight the immense potential we discover in our journey to fully understand the universe.

Journal Reference

Cláudio Nassif Cruz, “A brief review of the modified theory of relativity that explains cosmic constants”, Review of Physics, 2023.


About the Author

Professor Cláudionassif Cruz

Cláudio Nassif Cruz is a retired professor of physics in the UFOP Federal University (UFOP), URO Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil. He was born in August 1967 in Além Paraíba, Minas Gerais.

He received his Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFJF) in Brazil (1992).

He has a Master’s degree (1992) and a PhD degree (2002) at the UFMG Federal University (UFMG) in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

He has long experience in the field of condensation physics, focusing on equations of state, phase equilibrium and phase transition, focusing on the following topics as working lines, namely Thompsons, chemical reactions of diffusion restriction, polymers, surface growth, N-vector The model has no random field. Similarly, some topics in some field theories are dealt with on Thompsons’ approach, such as quantum electrodynamics (QED) and quantum chromosome dynamics (QCD).

In another original study he introduced himself, he devoted himself to exploring another possibility of Lorentz symmetry to give the deformed special relativity theories with an unchanged minimum velocity (symmetric special relativity), where the background field It is the low-energy dynamics generated by non-Lorentzians that explain the tiny positive values ​​of cosmic constants and the principle of quantum uncertainty, allowing us to establish a connection between quantum physics and cosmology.

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