Always delete these locations (or not?)

Should you always delete these locations?
On previous videos, I shared the traps of the audience network and rewarded the video display. They are often the source of swelling and low-quality results.
As we all know, audience networks can cause low-quality traffic. Reward videos (also an audience network product) can lead to low-quality video views.
Does this mean we should always delete them? Are there any other locations we should always delete?
You are thinking about it. that’s why…
When to delete a location
The only time position can be a problem, that is, their low quality results are directly related to your performance goals. Let’s go back to our two question locations.
When optimizing link clicks or landing page views, you should delete the audience network as it will result in low-quality link clicks and landing page views. Since the audience network drives the action you want, it can trick the algorithm.
When optimizing your Thruplay view, you should delete the reward video as it causes incentives (low quality) through the view. Since this placement can load the action you want, the algorithm will prioritize it.
Apart from these two very specific scenarios, you should remove the location only if you directly lead to high-quality low-quality results, which is the same result you define in your performance goals.
Assume that it is possible to delete both locations in all cases, but this is not required. If you optimize for something else, the algorithm won’t be fooled. If you optimize for any conversions, you may see that the audience network is barely used, if any.
If it’s hardly used, why not delete it? It’s just that there is no need. We want to limit customization where possible. If not required, do not limit the algorithm. This increases costs.
Let the algorithm work
In most cases, use the advantage + position to get the algorithm to work. Using locations Using decompositions to verify that nothing is surprising.