Advantages + Sales replace Advantages + Shopping

This is a big change.
Meta announced a series of changes related to the new simplified benefits + campaign settings. But what happens with Advantage+ shopping is probably the most influential.
Advantages + Sales are replacing Advantages + Shopping, but this is not a simple name change. The following differences stand out…
1. Positioning and exclusion
First, Advantage+ Sales can access Advantage+ audiences. One of the biggest complaints about Advantage+ shopping is the complete lack of target control, especially exclusion.
Now you can provide audience suggestions and custom audience exclusion.
2. Advertising set
The ad collection is back. Advantage+Shopping incorporates ad settings into your campaigns and cannot add more. Advantages + Sales has no limit on the number of ad sets.
3. No more hats
The existing customer budget cap has disappeared.
I found a video last week, but it’s obvious now that it’s related to Advantage+ sales. This is a hat that can be recreated using multiple ad sets.
4. New advertising restrictions
Advertising limit is restored to 50 per group. Advantage+ shopping can allow up to 150 ads. You can still offer 150 ads (or more) through Advantage+ Sales, but they will be distributed across multiple ad clusters.
so much!
I covered these and many other changes related to the New Benefits + Campaign Creation Stream in my latest blog post. Other changes include:
- No manual and automatic campaign creation options
- Advantages + Applications and Advantages + Leadership Activities
- No more original audience
- Chance scores become official