Advantages + Sales, Apps and Lead Campaigns Coming

Meta announces testing of new simplified benefits + campaigns for sales, apps and leadership activities. There is a lot to digest about these pending changes and there will certainly be false information.
Please allow me to clarify what is going on. I’m not part of this test, which puts me at a disadvantage. But I’ve dug every official document to understand it all.
The anger cycle will beg for reasons to make these changes. I had several initial questions when I heard this, but these changes didn’t seem to cause any trouble. It’s more about simplifying and repackaging.
I believe these are good changes. Let’s dig…
Simplified campaign settings
The current campaign creation process begins with a decision: Automatic or manual.
The initial choice will be made for us now. Advantage+ is launched by default when creating a new campaign using sales, apps, or leadership goals.
This sounds horrible, but it is not. You will retain all the tools to access META to customize your previous campaigns.
Advantage+ will default to “ON”, which works for the following audiences, placement and budget optimizations:
But you can still customize to override these settings. When you do this, the advantage+ may “close”. This GIF in the Meta documentation gives us an idea…
Positioning Options
As far as I know, your choice won’t change (although I have some questions about the lead campaign, which will be done later). By default, Advantage+ audiences will automatically open.
Here are the audience controls:
- Place
- The lowest age
- Exclude custom audiences
- language
You can also provide audience suggestions. Meta may consider these before broader:
- The oldest
- gender
- Custom audience
- Detailed positioning
I have questions about how much Meta cares about these suggestions, but it’s a whole topic.
In the original format, this may not give you enough control so you can switch to the original audience. Instead, you can now uncheck a box to remove suggestions for the following audience types:
- age
- gender
- Customized listeners include
Any of these changes will turn to Advantage + Close.
Advantages + Shopping is now Advantages + Sales
This is actually probably the most surprising change in the announcement.
Advantage + Shopping will be renamed Advantage + Sales campaign “better reflect the advertisers who can benefit from the product.” Although, this change is much more than rebranding. Most of the content of the possession of the advantage + shopping event will disappear.
1. Unlimited ad set.
In the past, Advantage+ shopping campaigns allowed a single ad set that was included in the campaign. You can now use multiple ad sets, but the Advantage Campaign Budget (now the Advantage+Budget) needs to continue to maintain the Advantage+ status.
2. Up to 50 ads per ad.
Advantage+ Shopping allows you to provide up to 150 ads. However, this is mainly because these campaigns use an ad set. You can still serve up to 150 ads (or more), but it requires multiple ad sets to complete.
3. Advantages + audience available.
This is probably the best news for advertisers who otherwise use the Advantage + Shopping campaign. Although the idea is a trust algorithm, sometimes some other target input may be required. Advantage+ sales campaigns will have access to audience suggestions and custom audience exclusions.
4. There is no existing customer budget cap.
I recently discussed this change and it’s clear now that it’s related to launching strengths + sales activity. Advertisers using Advantage+ shopping campaigns can control the percentage of existing customer spending.
This is no longer the case. But you will be able to use multiple ad sets to recreate this restriction.
Questions about advantages + potential customers
Meta laughed at Leads’ advantages + campaign options for the first time at the end of 2023. Now that it is officially here, I have some questions.
1. What about the quality?
I’m curious whether including lead campaigns in this advantage + launch is just about simplifying campaign creation, or whether there are special lead optimization capabilities. This sentence is at least encouraging:
In early testing, the leads with an advantage + “ON” in this setting were on average 10% lower than those with an advantage + “OFF”.
The “Qualified Leadership” section caught my attention. Is the optimization different now? Lead quality with Advantage+ audiences can be an issue, especially since you can’t set gender or age limits to control. (Hope “old”) algorithms focus on finding inefficient efficiencies to get the most potential customers, rather than ensuring they are of high quality.
2. What about the instant form?
When creating old methods, you can avoid detailed targeting when using instant forms. Your audience automatically scales when using performance goals that maximize conversion, value, links, or landing page views, but does not start in real-time format.
Will this still happen? It obviously turns off the advantage + close, but I’m curious if the option is retained.
About the original audience
These updates are consistent with what I’ve been predicting for some time. Although the functionality of the original audience remains, it is no longer a separate process. Now is an integrated option.
But this also seems to eliminate the use of advantage custom audiences, the advantage looks like and the advantage detailed positioning, at least in terms of sales, apps and lead campaigns. This mainly confirms what I have long believed in, but Meta has never come out to say it.
Whether you use the Advantage + Audience with detailed targeting or original audience with detailed targeting, it doesn’t matter. Either way, your input is processed the same.
So Meta creates unnecessary confusion with multiple options that do the same thing almost or literally. Moving this direction helps advertisers understand this more clearly.
What about other goals?
This is great, but I do find these benefits + campaigns only for sales, apps and leadership goals (or at least testing does). Why not traffic, engagement or awareness?
My theory is that meta-knowledge what we know: performance of top optimization for tops is flawed, especially when used with a wide audience. You will get excellent surface-level results, but the algorithm is driven to find quantity rather than quality.
I think Meta knows that it is not recommended to force or encourage a wider audience to participate in such events. Of course, if Meta found a way to solve this obvious problem with injection top optimization, that would be solved.
Chance score
This is secondary, but it does tie everything together. Meta started testing chances scores for the first time about a year ago. I didn’t realize I was taking the test. Then it disappeared (at least for me).
Well, this time it’s official. Opportunity Score Games can achieve the ability (or willingness) of Meta-optimized opportunities with scores of 0 to 100. Nearly 100, the more optimized your ads are (theoretically) .
This will become an important part of the Advantage+ campaign. There are visual tips everywhere to encourage you to better optimize your ads. Generally, it is recommended to implement some advantage + optimization around.
Since I’m not part of this test, I rely on Meta’s new documentation on Advantage+ campaigns. Read more at any time: