Social Media

Traffic campaigns and audience networks

Now, I usually don’t recommend recommending traffic activity first. But I know advertisers still use them.

If you are running a traffic activity, do this…

Decomposition by placement

Click the Crash drop-down menu and select a location.

This will generate a separate row for each position used. Where is most of your budget?

Audience network

In my example, 709 of the 719 link clicks are from the audience network. It’s about 98% of the budget. Why?

What is an audience network?

Audience networks are a location away from meta-apps. Third-party applications monetize themselves through this placement.

This is also notorious for driving low-quality traffic through unexpected clicks, even clicking fraud before it is detected. So you may get a refund at some point.

Meta is taking advantage of that location due to your performance goals. You say you need link clicks or landing page views, and the audience network is a good source of cheap clicks.

Unfortunately, this cheap traffic is small, resulting in conversions and even quality access. You might see if any type of conversion is optimized, with little use of the audience network.

How to deal with this

Keep this in mind if you use a link click or landing the performance target of the page view. I don’t recommend using traffic activity normally, but deleting the audience network if you do.

I wrote a blog post explaining when you should switch from the default value of Meta. This is a classic example of when you should.

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