Social Media

How to approach zoom – Jon Loomer Digital

How should you expand now?

This has been a common problem since Facebook ads began. Things have changed over the years. My advice has also changed.


In a day, increasing your budget is a terrible thing. Sometimes the learning phase is restarted and your results may suddenly be reserved. And, if you change your budget, you may not recoup these results.

But it is not clear which growth will increase and will not restart learning. Meta’s documentation is vague about this. Therefore, advertisers have adopted a cautious attitude. Our security budget increases by 20%, 10, or even 5% at a time.

That is necessary. Performance is particularly sensitive and advertisers are superstitious. It feels like we find this magic combined to work, and changing budgets can ruin it forever.


But this is no longer that way. Meta is now more tolerant of budgets, so we don’t need to be as cautious as before. In fact, you can increase your budget for your high-performance ad set without restarting the learning phase.

This doesn’t mean that if you double your spending, you’ll get the same result. As you increase your budget, your expenses will almost always increase, which is inevitable.

However, in effective campaigns, people no longer feel like they can’t recreate some magic formulas. The situation is more stable now.

Anyway, I no longer fear from the learning stage. Want to expand? Increase budget. Isn’t the result what you want? Lower budget.

do not be afraid.

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