Cell reprogramming provides potential new models for studying cancer disease progression

Genetic changes in genes are the main cause of tumor formation, also known as tumorigenesis. In addition to genetic changes, epigenetic changes, reversible non-genetic changes play an important role in tumorigenesis and disease progression. Since epigenetic changes can induce tumorigenesis and can reverse tumors, it is crucial for epigenetic cell reprogramming that occurs in various cancers, which occurs in various cancers, Role in disease progression and explore potential for use in cancer treatment.
A comprehensive review paper published in the journal Portland, Oregon University of Health and Sciences, a comprehensive review paper published in the journal “Merical and Medical Genetics”, Oregon University of Health and Science. Stem cell research, Highlights the history and progress of cancer cell reprogramming. Dr. Kim also drew attention to epigenetic changes in tumorigenesis and had her perspective on how these methods can help us reprogram cancer cells.
Dr. Kim’s paper initially demonstrated evidence of cancer reversibility in mammalian embryonic cells through blastocyst injection, cell fusion and nuclear transplant experiments. These historical experiments have determined that oocytes/embryo cells can reset accumulated epigenetic modifications and control cancer cells’ proliferation until the blastocyst stage. Using human cells in mouse models also determined that epigenetic changes can be reactivated in a cell lineage-specific manner later in embryonic development, especially during cell norms. These studies pave the way for further study of the cell remodeling potential of cancer progress.
In addition to embryonic cells, a group of master pioneer transcription factors (TFs) can also be passed through (e.g. OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and MYC It can control the expression of various genes in cells. The use of various human cancer models (IPSCs) has been prepared for modeling of human cancer using TFS-mediated reprogramming of human cancer cell lines, and it has been demonstrated to use reprogramming to study drug resistance or drug resistance affected by cell state. Response of cancer therapy. TF-mediated cell-mediated cell reprogramming Human cancer cell lines also identified other related epigenetic changes that lead to gene expression control KIM exploits the potential of cell reprogramming and provides a human cell model To study the early stages of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Normal somatic cells were successfully reprogrammed using TFS, covering many molecular changes. Overexpression OCT4, SOX2, KLF4 and MYC TFS induces highly dynamic chromatin remodeling, resulting in the expression of silent genes in fibroblasts. “These chromatin dynamics translate into different phenotypes early and late, as well as in reprogramming intermediates that may follow various paths along short-lived states,” Dr. Kim told Science. Research to understand the nature of these color changes demonstrates that OSKM-mediated epigenetic changes are similar to those observed during cancer development. In various cancers, important TFs are misled, leading to epigenetic changes. Although the color changes caused by cell reprogramming are like those seen in cancer cells, pluripotent cells have an epigenetic landscape, and the reciprocity of the cancer epigenome. This creates exciting possibilities for the use of cell reprogramming to regulate abnormal cancer epigenome.
The extensive review concluded that the pluripotent environment can dominate the cancer phenotype, suggesting that oncogenes can be reactivated during organogenesis. The ability to reprogram cancer cell pluripotency and reverse its original stages provides an excellent model for understanding epigenetic modifications during disease progression.
“The biggest obstacle to cancer reprogramming is mainly due to the fact that the tumor is highly heterogeneous, but only a portion of the cells are reprogrammed.” Solid tumors are made of cancerous and non-cancerous cells, which show different cells,” said Dr. Kim. Reprogramming capability. The reprogramming efficiency of cancer cells is also very low. Some epigenetic changes in cancer cells persist and have genetic mutations to reprogrammed cells, thus limiting their complete reprogramming.
Dr. King stressed that further study of dynamic epigenetic changes in tumorigenesis in the cellular reprogramming of cancer cells is crucial to better understand the onset, progression and treatment of the disease.
Journal Reference and Major Image Credit:
Jin, Jung. “Cells are reprogrammed to model and study epigenetic changes in cancer.” Stem cell research (2020): 102062. doi: doi.org/10.1016/j.scr.2020.102062
About the Author

Dr. Jungsun Kim
Assistant Professor
Dr. Jungsun Kim is an assistant professor at the Oregon University School of Medicine, the Knight Cancer Institute and the Center for Advanced Research on Early Cancer Testing at the Oregon University of Health and Sciences School of Medicine. She received her bachelor’s degree and a doctorate. Under the guidance of Dr. Il-Yup Chung, he has a PhD in Biochemistry from Hanyang University in South Korea and completed his postdoctoral research under the guidance of Kenneth Zaret of the University of Pennsylvania.
Her lab studies the molecular mechanisms of cell reprogramming and programming in cancer.