
Convert solar energy through advanced enhancer evaluation technology

The key role of energy in shaping our world cannot be exaggerated. This is not only a factor in the production process; it is the fundamental element that affects international dynamics and the global economy. With the uneven distribution of energy resources in various countries and the growing demand for sustainable solutions, solar energy has become a promising path. The sun is a universal and omnipotent energy with unlimited potential. In the solar field, photovoltaic systems that convert sunlight into electricity are key to leveraging this potential and addressing the world’s energy challenges.

By introducing new evaluation methods for solar panel enhancers, the solar sector is experiencing significant advances, especially for its long-term effectiveness. This pioneering work by the research team was led by Dr. Sakhr Sultan of the University of Malaysia and a TSO professor from the University of Multimedia has been published in Heliyon Journal. These novel approaches focus on the durability of solar panel enhancers, a key factor in the long-term growth and sustainability of the solar industry.

Principal investigator Dr. Sakhr Sultan highlighted the importance of the study: “The current research on solar panel enhancer is focused on enhancing solar panel performance. However, the long-term effectiveness of these enhancers does not take into account existing evaluation methods. Therefore, judging and comparing their performance over time is challenging. To address this gap, we have established a relationship between the lifespan of the enhancer and the existing evaluation methods. The results are three refined evaluation methods , These methods are crucial in distinguishing the performance of solar panel enhancers, with higher values ​​representing better performance.”

These groundbreaking methods incorporate time elements into existing evaluation models, resulting in three improved methods: computing the output of lifetimes exceeding cost per area (FYLPAC), volume per volume (FYLPVC), and weight per body weight (FYLPWC). This integration allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of solar panel enhancers, which is essential to determine their cost-effectiveness and long-term value.

TSO Prifers Ping further explained: “Solar panel enhancers are an extremely important tool for accurately evaluating and comparing the performance of different solar panel enhancers. We found that FYLPAC is particularly in the classification of solar panel enhancers for various models. Effective and provides a more refined evaluation tool.”

Initially, the study examined existing solar panel coolers and reflectors, highlighting their role in improving solar panel efficiency. However, these traditional approaches often overlook important aspects of durability, and the study aims to correct it. By highlighting the lifespan of solar panel enhancers, researchers are promoting a more sustainable and economical approach to enhancing solar energy.

The practical application and correlation of these methods have been proven through experimental verification. The results of the study show that considering their lifetime, there is a significant improvement in the evaluation and comparison of solar panel enhancers for different models. This approach is innovative and is essential to ensure the future sustainability of solar solutions.

This study marks an important step forward in solar energy, which provides manufacturers and designers of solar panel enhancers with powerful tools to evaluate and improve solar energy efficiency. It highlights the importance of considering lifespan in solar technology assessments and paving the way for more sustainable and effective solar systems.

Journal Reference

Sakhr M. Sultan, CP TSO, K. Sopian, Raheem K Ajeel, K. Sobayel, A. Ibrahim, MZ Abdullah, Usage Hit Life, Heliyon, Vol. 9, Question 11, 2023, Issue 9, Issue 9, Evaluation Methods for Developing Photovoltaic Module Enhancement Technology, .heliyon.2023.e21294.

About the author

Dr. Sakhr M. Sultan He was born in Sana’a, Yemen in 1987. He received his Bachelor of Electronic Engineering, MS and PHD degrees from Multimedia University, Melaka, Malayisa, 2017, 2017 and 2021, respectively. From 2012 to 2017, he was a research assistant at the Malaysian Centre for Advanced Materials and Green Technology.

From 2021 to 2022, he is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Malaysia. He has been a senior lecturer at the Kebonshan Stoll Energy Research Institute in Malaysia since 2022. His research interests include heat transfer and solar energy.

Dr. Chih Ping TSO In 1968, he received first-class honors from Loughborough University of Technology in the UK. In 1970, he received his master’s degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and in 1979 he received his Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. . He is currently a professor at the Malaysian Multimedia University.

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