
The danger of silence on Turkish farms: revealing the threat of bacteria

In the dynamic world of poultry farming, ensuring the health and vitality of the sheep is crucial. When researchers delve into the complexity of avian diseases, their findings often lead to important changes in how we understand and manage the well-being of these birds. Such research not only improves productivity in poultry farms, but also protects the food supply chain, which relies on globally. In this battle with poultry diseases, it is crucial to reveal hidden threats and understand their mechanisms. The following research by a team of dedicated scientists brings this hidden threat, offering new perspectives and solutions in the field of poultry health.

In groundbreaking research, a team of scientists revealed Streptococcus cabbage Give to young turkey. This bacteria, usually benign intestinal in animals and humans, has been identified as a deadly pathogen in poultry, especially those affecting one to three weeks.

To understand the impact of the bacteria on Türkiye’s health, the team has adopted a range of science and technology. They carefully isolated and studied the different strains from infected turkeys using advanced methods such as matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). This approach allows them to accurately determine the presence of bacteria and their specific strains, thus providing vital insights into how they affect birds. In addition, they conducted controlled experiments to observe the effects of bacteria, which included monitoring changes in internal organs and overall health of turkeys.

This study, led by Dr. Guillermo Tellez-Isaias, was conducted by Latasha Gray et al. In 2023, the University of Arkansas Center for Excellence in Poultry Science conducted in-depth research on the pathogenic characteristics of the bacteria. Their research, published in the journal Poultry Science, is an important contribution to the science of poultry health.

Dr. Tellez-Isaias explains the driving force behind their research, “We are forced to understand why these young turkeys succumbed to infections that were so quickly without any previous signs. Our findings Streptococcus cabbage It has a significant impact on Türkiye’s health and biosecurity measures in poultry farming. ”

Through their comprehensive experiments, the team found Streptococcus cabbage It can cause rapid and fatal infections, leading to diseases such as spleen enlargement, cardiac necrosis, and pericarditis. “Our observations are consistent across different inoculation methods, revealing the ability of bacteria to cause severe internal damage,” said Dr. Tellez-Isaias.

One of the most important findings of the study is the potential horizontal spread of bacteria between turkeys. “This discovery has changed our understanding of bacterial transmission and raises important questions about current biosecurity practices in poultry farms,” ​​said Dr. Tellez-Isaias.

In conclusion, this study highlights the need for awareness-raising and enhanced biosafety measures to protect turkey flocks from this hidden pathogen. Latasha Grayand’s work is a team at the University of Arkansas Poultry Health Laboratory, providing vital insights into managing and reducing risks Streptococcus cabbageensure the health and sustainability of the poultry industry.

Journal Reference

Gray LS, Latorre JD, Hernandez-Patlan D, Solis-Cruz B, Petrone-Garcia VM, Hernandez-Velasco X, Robbins KM, Moore RW, Vuong CN, Vuong CN, Stein A, Stein A, Laverty L, Laverty L, Martin K, Martin K, Coles ME, Señas-Cuesta, Señas-Cuesta R, Diaz-Gomez JM, Loeza I, Castellanos-Huerta I, Maguey-Gonzalez JA, Graham BD, Hargis BM, Tellez-Isaias G. : A pilot study. ” POULT SCI. October 2023; 102(10): 102950. doi:

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