
When sunlight collides with genes: a new look on vitamin D

Now, imagine a world where the air we inhale and the environment we live in has subtle effects on our health, especially in children where asthma and allergies pose complex challenges. In India, a country full of diversity, but with high incidence of these health problems, the relationship between our genes and our environment is crucial. Asthma and allergic rhinitis are not only simple health issues, but complex issues involving genetic and environmental factors. Vitamin D plays a key role in our body’s immune response and affects our healthy balance. Since many Indian children lack adequate vitamin D, which may affect the prevalence of these diseases, the genetics society has found changes in the vitamin D receptor gene and other new insights into our sensitivity to asthma and allergies. This study goes beyond science to understand how our genetic makeup interacts with vitamin D, which could lead to personalized treatments in southern India where there are sunny but vitamin D-deficient areas.

Dr. Narmada Ashok and Dr. Radha Saraswathy embarked on a journey in their groundbreaking work to find that genetic variations associated with vitamin D are associated with asthma and allergies in children from the south. They carefully selected a group of children, some with these conditions and others without, to compare and deepen our understanding of the genetic roots of these health problems. Their approach is detailed and systematic, using advanced genetic analyses to identify and examine specific genetic variants associated with vitamin D, thus demonstrating the complex interactions between our genes and environmental factors in health and disease.

Dr. Ashok highlighted their detailed approach, highlighting the team’s efforts: “We thoroughly analyzed the genetic data to find the link between different genetic mutations and the occurrence of asthma and allergies.” The study not only reveals what’s behind these diseases Genetic factors, and also reveal how these genetic differences affect vitamin D processing and the body defense mechanisms of affected people.

Dr. Saraswathy noted the significant impact of their findings, saying, “Understanding these genetic complexities brings new avenues to creating targeted and effective treatments.” Dedication to the team and Thorough research marks a major move towards personalized medicine, where treatments can be tailored to the patient’s unique genetic characteristics, providing better health for children facing these difficult diseases.

Building on their findings, the research team also explores potential lifestyle and dietary changes that reduce the risk of developing these diseases. They recommend knowing that understanding the genetic trends in vitamin D metabolism may lead to more specific recommendations about sun exposure and eating foods rich in vitamin D, which may reduce the occurrence of dangerous asthma and allergic reactions. This holistic approach highlights the value of combining genetic insights with practical health advice, providing a complete strategy for addressing these broad childhood problems.

Furthermore, the study supports the use of genetic testing in the diagnosis of asthma and allergic rhinitis and envisions a future where personalized health strategies can greatly improve patient care. By identifying children with higher early genetic risk, healthcare providers can take preventive measures and customize treatment plans to meet individual needs, demonstrating the strong potential of genetic research in improving public health outcomes. “We would like to express our deep gratitude to the research team at the Genetics Laboratory of Anderson Diagnostic Center in Chennai. Their excellent genetic work is crucial to the success of our research.

Journal Reference

Dr. Narmada Ashok, Dr. Radha Saraswathy, “Polymorphisms of Vitamin D Gene in Children with Asthma and Allergic Rhinitis – Hospital-based Research,” Heliyon, 2024. DOI: https:/// .heliyon .2023.E23673.

About the Author

I am Dr. NarmadaPediatricians have been practicing in the past 20 years. Very interested in scholars and updated my knowledge. This has made me a member of the Royal Academy of Pediatrics and Children’s Health and a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics. I specialize in allergies and asthma and now conduct research as a PhD scholar in the same discipline while continuing to maintain my pediatric practice in the hospital. I have several publications and have written chapters from textbooks. My interest is also in my work as a pediatrician to protect the environment to provide a better tomorrow for our children and therefore an active member of the Environmental Child Health Group. I love traveling. I also like any form of music and have been learning carnatic music for the past 6 years.

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