Scientists pioneer fusion method for spinal cord injury repair

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a debilitating condition caused by traumatic events such as accidents, falls, and sports injuries. SCI often leads to serious complications, including paralysis, loss of sensory functions, and autonomic dysfunctions such as urinary incontinence. Despite advances in medical science, effective treatment of SCI remains limited due to the complex nature of spinal cord repair. However, recent research highlights a promising technique, “spinal fusion” (SCF), which could revolutionize SCI treatment and provide new hope for people with this condition.
Researchers at Guangxi University’s University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, including Xiaoping Ren, the principal investigator, and researchers at Tingting Shen, Weihua Zhang and Xiaogang Wang have been pioneering this innovative approach. Their work, published in the journal Heliyon, details the potential of SCF to restore neurological function after SCI. “Spinal cord fusion provides a novel approach to reconstructing the damaged spinal cord by fusion of the cut axon ends, which can significantly enhance the recovery process,” Dr Ren said.
SCF technology involves precise removal of damaged spinal cord segments and then the application of a fusion agent, mainly polyethylene glycerol (PEG), to fuse the cut-off ends. This method is designed to restore nerve and electrical continuity throughout the injured site. After surgery, electrical stimulation is used to promote axon regeneration and further promote the recovery of motor and sensory functions.
SCF showed significant results in various animal studies. For example, in experiments performed on rodents, dogs, and nonhuman primates, the animals showed significant recovery of motor function after SCF. In one study, rats regained the ability to stand and walk within weeks after surgery, and dogs achieved 90% sensorimotor function within three weeks. These promising results underline the potential of SCF to restore function after severe SCI.
Dr Ren explained: “Our study shows that PEG-mediated binding of axonal fusion with electrical stimulation can effectively promote nerve regeneration and functional recovery. This represents a significant advance in scientific therapies for the treatment of paraplegia and other SCI-induced disabilities Provides new avenues.”
SCF technology also addresses the key challenges of bridging neural gaps caused by SCI. By utilizing melts such as PEG, SCF helps stabilize and fuse the axonal membrane at the site of injury. This not only helps restore conductivity, but also supports growth and regeneration of axons across damaged areas. The success of SCF in animal models demonstrates its potential applicability in human clinical trials, providing new avenues for SCI treatment.
In addition to the technical aspects of SCF, the researchers also highlighted the key role of anterior spinal cord neurons in functional recovery. These neurons form part of the Cortico-Trunco-Reticulo anterior spinal pathway (CTRPS), which is able to extend axons at the site of injury, thus establishing new neural circuits that promote motor and sensory functions. This intrinsic neural network in the spinal cord is critical for spontaneous recovery observed in certain SCI cases.
The researchers stressed that although SCF shows great hope, further research and clinical trials are necessary to optimize the technology and verify its efficacy in humans. The integration of advanced bioengineering techniques and multidisciplinary approaches is essential to perfecting SCF and ensuring its success as a viable therapy for SCI.
In summary, Dr. Ren and colleagues’ research shows that SCF technology represents a significant breakthrough in the field of spinal cord injury repair. By leveraging the regenerative potential of fusion agents such as PEG and the plasticity of universal neurons, SCF provides promising new strategies for restoring function and improving the quality of life of individuals affected by SCI. As research progresses, this innovative approach could pave the way for more effective and comprehensive SCI treatment in the future.
Journal Reference
Shen, T., Zhang, W., Wang, X. , & Ren, X. (2024). The application of “spinal cord fusion” in spinal cord injury repair and its nervous system mechanism. Heliyon, 10, E29422. doi:
About the Author
Dr. Sharpin In 1984, he conducted clinical and research fellowship training at the University of Kentucky. During this period, Dr. Ren created a feasible large animal CTA model for limb transplantation to regulate immune responses and study immunosuppressants. First-hand transplants in the United States have been successful as a direct result of a preclinical pig composite tissue allograft model (CTA).
Ren’s team applied small animals, large animals, non-human primates and carcasses in the lab to find solutions to the scientific and technological challenges behind allogeneic head and body reconstruction surgery. These research findings and designs have established the most advanced and emerging fields of basic medical research. On this basis, he has been focusing on the study of spinal cord fusion surgery. Among them, how to solve the problem of nerve regeneration and functional recovery after spinal cord disconnection is the most challenging problem, which is also a world-class problem of traumatic paralysis in orthopedics and neurosurgery today! The group’s application of spinal cord fusion agent (PEG cocktail) to develop new therapeutic strategies for functional recovery after spinal cord injury. Recently, as the research deepened, their team discovered a new breakthrough, the first vascularized allogeneic spinal cord transplant in the dog model, which could better address the functional recovery of the spinal cord in the world. At the same time, a new theory of functional recovery and regeneration after spinal cord injury is proposed, which is the neurophysiological basis of spinal cord fusion. His team is currently committed to achieving the first clinical trail of this research achievement, further improving and optimizing clinical spinal fusion surgery in technology, equipment and applications.