
The cost -effective method simplifies the gene editing of fruit flies

Researchers at New York University have developed a new solution that can use genetic cross to generate genetic differential split-Gal4 series (fruit flies) in fruit flies. This hybrid provides a traditional micro-injection method. Replacement method. The team led by Dr. Yu-Chieh David CHen, including Siqi April Li, HONGZHOU GUSTAVE Li, Nathalie Shoji, and Claude Desplan, in detail the innovative methods in Journal Star Protocols.

Dr. Chen said: “This plan greatly reduces the cost and complexity of the creation of the genome of the genome-Gal4 series, so that FLY researchers focusing on various organizations can use it.” “middle.

Researchers outline a gradual method, including the hereditary hybridization of the four -wheel body, the PCR genotypes and fluorescent imaging to ensure the correct direction of the split GAL4 integration before the establishment of a stable flight volume. This process avoids the demand for micro -injection, making it easier to access and cheap.

One of the key discoveries of this study is that this new method is adaptable and can be used to generate a large number of semi -semi -driver, which is essential for researchers engaged in different tissues of fruit flies. Researchers have successfully generated split-Gal4 series from the existing simulation/crime line to prove the efficacy of their solutions, which are widely used in the genetic research of fruit flies.

Professor Desplan emphasizes the importance of this development: “Our method has important advantages over traditional methods, and reduces the time and resources required to create a derivative driving factors. This will accelerate the research in various fields, including neurological biology , Development biology and genetics.

In their research, researchers also emphasized the importance of tracking the genetically tracked genetically tracked genes when the phenotyan labeled in genetic cross. They pointed out that incorrect labels may indicate inventory pollution, which may damage the result. The protocol includes a detailed description of the need to maintain flight inventory and prepare the necessary buffer and reagents.

In addition, the entire agreement can be used as part of the curriculum -based undergraduate research experience (Cure), which provides hands -on experience in the original research of Fly Genetics. The lines generated by the protocol will be very useful, which can be used to generate cell types specific to the split-Gal4 line to benefit researchers in the Fly community.

In short, the new plan developed by Dr. Chen and his colleagues represents major progress in the field of fruit genetics. By providing cost -effective and effective alternatives for traditional methods, this solution will be set to enhance the ability of global researchers to achieve wider and accurate genetic research.

Journal reference

Li, SA, Li, HG, shoji, n. , Desplan, C. And Chen, YD, “uses the hereditary cross in the fruit fly with the T2A-Split-Gal4 system instead of the inner subcretal line and the criminal line.” Star protocol, 2023. Doi: https: //

About the author

Yu-chiefh david chenIt is Nih F32 and K99/R00 researcher at Dr. Claude Desplan’s Laboratory of New York University. David is an international student researcher of Howard Hughes (HHMI) and studied at Dr. Anupama Dahanukar Laboratory at the University of California. His long -term research interest is to understand the development process and function of the main sensory: vision, touch, hearing and chemical sensitivity (taste and smell), which is essential for organic perception and interaction with the world. David is currently in the marketing and staff market, hoping to find a place to start its independent research plan. His future research plans are to understand the basic molecular regulators of various development events, such as cell specifications, axial targeting and synapses, to form a functional sensory circuit Fruit fliesEssence David is also keen on teaching and guiding the next generation of scientists. Please refer to his website to get more information:

Siqi (April) liAt the School of Art and Science of New York University, she received her biology degree (BA). She is particularly keen on molecular biology because she tries to understand how the micro -physical process controls the behavior of biological systems on each possible scale. In the past, SIQI was internship at a pharmaceutical company, where her task was to build an online platform that found the platform to publicly educate academic literature on public education. Recently, SIQI has been a research volunteer in the neurosome laboratory and assisted in extensive experimental procedures. She joined DESPLAN’s laboratory in the fall of 2022, and cooperated with David Chen to generate split-Gal4 genetic tools to mark the new cell type in development Fruit flies Visual system. Inspired by the people she encountered during this journey, SIQI studied PhD in the Ikan Medical College of Sinai in the fall of 2024.

Hongzhou (Gustav) Lee In 2024, he received a bachelor’s degree in neuroscience at Shanghai New York University. He gained the interest of neurological biology from complex biological channels, which helps brain development and function. He is keen to understand the brain from the bottom perspective. In the study of undergraduates, Gustave worked at Claude Desplan laboratory at the University of New York University, and was directly instructed by Dr. Yu-Chieh David Chenci, a postdoctoral researcher. There was a study there, where the research on generating genetic tools was conducted to mark a single neuron cell type in the nervous system in the center of the fruit flies. He introduced his works at multiple academic conferences and awarded the best poster demonstration in developmental biology and genetics at the annual biomedical research conference (ABRCMS) in 2023. Since the fall of 2024, he will study a PhD in neurobiology at the California Institute of Technology. He plans to enter the academic world and become an independent researcher after doctoral.

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