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Write. rewrite. Repeat: Stephen King has a better way to write

Writing is difficult. There, I said. Even professionals like Stephen King, his best -selling books have more cups of tea than most of us. He admits that this process is not always walking in the park. But this is the matter-Stephen King is not just Write;he teach How do we write better. His book About writing It is recommended that there are no fluff and gold ore without puffed materials, but the direct and feasible wisdom for the writer at all levels.

Whether it is struggle with blank pages or buried in a bunch of drafts, Stephen King’s suggestions are like guiding light in the creative process. His skills are not only theoretical contemplation, but also include practical tools that can help you browse the writing journey. Therefore, seize your favorite drink and explore the ten kinds of his most powerful writing practice.

All offer comes from Writing: Memoirs of handicrafts Stephen King.

1. Read a lot, write a lot

In order to write well, you must read it extensively and consistently. Even if you can only read 15 minutes a day, you must be committed to daily writing exercises and reading habits.

Stephen wrote from 8 am to noon every day, and gave him about 2,000 words a day. Our daily word counts will be different, but consistency can be a friend who establishes these positive habits.

I read at least 30 minutes a day and read various genres.

“If you don’t have time to read, you don’t have time (or tools) to write. That’s simple.”

2. Don’t wait for inspiration

Writing is about discipline, not waiting for the muse goddess. Create writing timetables and persist, even in inspirational days. Especially on the days without inspiration!

I like to write in different spaces from the workbench. I have a table in the room, and I use laptops and IMAC with my work. The changes in space and situation tell me that I have no job. This is writing time. (Except for blog articles and works writing, except what I did on IMAC’s regular tables)

Amateur enthusiasts sit down and wait for inspiration; the rest of our people just get up to work. “

3. Active voice

Active sound creates more effective and more attractive writing. Avoid passive structure. Check your draft and revised sentences, and replace the passive state with an active structure. Grammar helps writing by providing recommendations.

This is an example:

Passive sentence: This book was read by Sarah.

Active sentence: Sarah read in the afternoon.

In the event version, the theme (Sarah) performs the action directly, which makes the sentence more directly and fascinating.

“The timid writer likes passive verbs. The reason is the same as the reasons as timid like passive partners. Passive sounds are safe.”

4. Eliminate unnecessary words

concise. In terms of influential writing, there are less. Looking for adverbs and excessive adjectives in the draft, and replace them with stronger verbs and nouns.

“There are adverbs on the road to hell.”

5. First write for yourself

Focus on the story you want to tell before worrying about the audience. Writing for yourself does not mean to persist in every idea. Sometimes, if they do not tell the story, they must give up their favorite part.

See your first draft as your own personal dialogue, but in the process of revision, it is ruthless to cut the content of the story, even if this is your favorite sentence.

“When you write a story, you are telling your own story. When you rewrite it, your main job is coming out everything that is not a story.”

6. Set daily writing goals

Establish discipline and motivation every day. Start a small-compliance with the useful word count or page number.

“The most horrible moment is always before you start. After you, things will only become better.”

7. Create a non -interference area

By eliminating distraction, writing the focus of writing should be written. Turn off your phone, turn off your social media, and specify a quiet space for your writing time.

8. Embrace

Real magic occurs during the revision. During the editor, don’t be afraid to make major changes. It is regarded as carving, not just polishing.

Rewriting may be a challenging task.

The following are some suggestions that make solid editing and rewriting in the novel:

First rest

After completing the draft, please leave it for at least a few days or weeks. This can help you return with fresh eyes and more objective perspectives.

Start with large editing

Before sneaking into the line editing, focus on the structure, rhythm and character arc of the story. Ask yourself:

Use “killing your dear” mentality

Even if you like a line or scene, you will ruthlessly cut anything that is not suitable for stories. Question: “Is this promoting the plot forward or revealed that the role is essential?”

Check your opening and ending

Chapter 1 should immediately attract readers. The ending should be satisfactory and binds key threads. Re -work on these parts to ensure that they have a deep impression.

Simplify and clarify

Avoid too complicated sentences or unclear descriptions. Simplify under possible circumstances so that writing is easy to access and influential.

Strengthen dialogue

Ensure that each dialogue reveals personality or development plots. Cut off or fill in dialogue.

Pay attention to the fighting

Change the rhythm of your scene. Use short sentences and paragraphs at heavy moments, and allow longer descriptive writing at a quieter moment.

Find repeated words or phrases

Sort out the words or phrases that are excessively used through manuscripts, and then replace them with new alternatives.

Second opinion

Share your draft with Beta readers or criticism partners to obtain relevant work and invalid feedback. They often find out what you might miss.


Check the timetable, character details and the continuity of the world’s constructive elements.

Read aloud

Reading your work loudly can help you capture clumsy sentences, embarrassing words or repeated language. This is a simple but powerful tool for improving traffic.

“Writing is human; editor is sacred.”

9. Write honesty and truthfully

Use natural vocabulary and sound-don’t try to sound like you are not. When choosing a word and making dialogue, please believe your intuition.

“Any word you must look for in the synonyms is a wrong word. There is no exception of this rule.”

10. Persex the story as a fossil

The story is discovered and not invented, so let them develop naturally. When Stephen King made the story appear (he was a proud pants) as he wrote, but I found that the clarity I planned to me is needed. For me, what is not important is to trip in the entire story, but to draw more journey, and at the same time walk for creativity.

If you are pants like King, please believe your intuition and let the story guide you. If you look more like a planner like me, first outline the key of the key-this is your story and your way.

“The story is discovered, such as the fossils on the ground … … Your job is excavated.”

Steaming Stephen Kim’s writing routine

  • Morning magic: Stephen King is writing every day without exception. He started working around 8:00 in the morning until noon, prioritizing his creativity in the morning.
  • Power of consistency: Gold writing every day in the same place. This will produce a feeling of muscle memory, and it shows that his brain is time to start working.
  • Mid -inward stop: One of his most practical suggestions? When you stop for a day, please leave some active things. In this way, when you sit down and write again, you will return to the action instead of staring at the blank page.
  • Re -reading motivation: The king reads his last two pages before starting a new writing meeting. It can help him re -associate the tone of the story, rhythm and flow.
  • Effective progress: Relying on this routine process of discipline, Jin completed a book within about three months to prove the power that appears every day.

Operating takeawayThe

  1. Even a short meeting, you must write every day.
  2. Create consistent writing procedures by writing focus and muscle memory at the same place.
  3. Writing in the morning to use its best creativity.
  4. Make the middle operation of the character easier and motivated.
  5. Read your last page and seamlessly return to the story.

I hope you find some inspiration and good habits when you hit the keyboard and hit the story. Writing may not be easy, but this is worth it.

Whether you are pants, the planner is somewhere between the two, and the magic lies in the process every day and trust the process. Continue writing, continue to dream and remember-the world needs your story.

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