From the bright side, it may make your bank account gain weight

Optimists not only see the world through rose glasses, but they also see more money in the bank account. A major new study shows that people who expect beautiful things in life actually saves more optimistic peers, and among those who are struggling, this influence is the strongest.
The study was published on January 30 in the “Personality and Social Psychology Magazine”, analyzing data from 140,000 people from the United States, Britain and 14 European countries. The research results challenged the traditional concept of active thinking and economic behavior.
Joe Gladstone, the chief author of the University of Colorado University, explained: “We often treat optimism as rosy glasses, which may cause people to save less money in the future.” Studies have shown that optimism may actually be an important psychological resource that can help people save, especially when facing economic difficulties. “
These numbers draw a convincing picture. For families with a median savings at $ 8,000, optimistic increased significant increase corresponds to the additional $ 1,352 savings. Even if researchers involve factors such as age, gender, interpersonal relationships, employment and personality characteristics, this is the same.
Perhaps the most surprising thing is that among those with lower income, the influence of optimism is the strongest. Gradstone pointed out: “For those who pay salary, saving will be futile.” “However, the optimistic prospects may provide motivation. Although there are current challenges, funds can still be made.”
The research team requires participants to score the best statement such as “I have always been on my future” and “in the uncertain era, so as Over the years of tracking participants’ single -term surveys and long -term research, and the comparison of assets.
It is comparable to the impact of optimism on rescue behavior and serious behavior. This is a personality trait that is highly recognized to promote positive financial results. It even exceeds traditional factors, such as financial literacy and risk tolerance.
These discoveries are intuitive to richer people, and they often have an inherent savings mechanism through mortgage and retirement accounts. But for those with limited methods, optimistic psychological improvements seem to help overcome the real challenges of putting money aside.
The study shows that the financial education plan may benefit from adding optimistic technologies to its traditional toolkit, especially when working with crowds with economic fragile people.
Gradstone concluded: “In the end, the mentality of hope for the future, coupled with the skills of wise managing funds, may be the key to helping more people establish financial security.”
In a world where the savings rate is still shocking and high financial anxiety, this research provides a new perspective: sometimes, I believe that better tomorrow will help to create one today-just in your bank account Essence
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