
Friends or enemies/ COVID-19 and sexually transmitted diseases: Madrid (Spain) diagnose vaginal trichomonians during the major period of popularity

Although COVID-19 is mainly the global health crisis, it has a significant and often unexpected impact on other health conditions (including sexually transmitted infections (STIS)). The latest research conducted by the team of Madrid University and Hospital Universitario Purta de Hierro-Amajadahonda, was led by Alexandraibáñez-Escribano trichomonas vagina Infection during the great period. Their research was published in microorganisms, highlighting the diagnosis and epidemiology of Homo’s disease during medical care metastasis during the major epidemic period. Mobo was the world’s most common non -virus STI.

Before the popularity, the diagnosis of trichomoniasis showed a moderate detection rate. However, during the period, the rate was significantly reduced. The author believes that this reduction may not be due to the real decline of infection, but the result of the reduction of screening and diagnostic activities. This is the pressure of medical service pressure during the COVID-19 crisis.

Researchers analyzed the data of thousands of vaginal samples collected by women who were studying in the hospital within four years, and compared the popular and popular data. The study showed that during the period of great popularity, the number of samples analyzed decreased significantly, and it was particularly obvious in the first year of the big popularity. The reduction of screening is attributed to the attention of COVID-19, which not only expands healthcare resources, but also changes patient behavior. There are fewer women seeking conventional gynecological care during the period of great popularity.

Interestingly, although the total number of diagnostic cases decreased, research found that the higher percentage during the period of popularity was symptom. During the period of popularity, most of the diagnostic women show symptoms and most diagnosed symptoms. This transformation shows that during this time, only the most serious cases may seek medical treatment to further support such concepts, that is, the diagnosis of non -symptoms or less severe infection is caused by large epidemics.

Another discovery found in the study is Main Salmon During the period of great popularity, it almost turned over the years of the great year. This increases the importance of comprehensive screening, especially when the healthcare system is under pressure. The author also emphasizes the lack of conventional screening during pregnancy. In view of the association between Momo and bad pregnancy, including premature birth and low birth weight, this constitutes additional risks.

Chief Author Celia Bolumburu emphasizes the necessity of continuing to be vigilant in STI screening, and does not allow attention to COVID-19 to cover up the importance of other key public health issues. “The decrease in the diagnosis of Mono disease during the major epidemic period may reflect the reflection of the acquisition and screening of medical care, rather than the real incidence. With the recovery of the medical care system, monitor these trends Such infection is important. “She said.

At the end of the study, it is an important sexually transmitted disease to enhance the improvement of the screening plan and the awareness of Mono disease, especially in the context of pregnancy. Researchers also suggested that the trend observed during the period can be used as the importance of maintaining a strong public health system that can maintain multiple health crises at the same time.

Dr. Alexandraibáanez-Escribano clarified: “The infections of all sexual dissemination have undergone a shocking growth after COVID-19-19. It is a neglected sexually transmitted infection, reflecting that this is not a notification disease, so there is no epidemiological data. “

Journal reference

BolumBuru, C., Zamora, V., Muñoz-Algarra, M., De La Cruz CONTY, ML, Escario, JA, & IBáñez-Escripano, A. (2024). “COVID-19-19’s popularity has the impact of the trend of vaginal infection of the third-level hospital in Madrid, Spain.” Microorganism, 12 (620). Doi: https: //

About the author

Alexandraibáanezescripano He is an associate professor at the Department of Microbiology and Parasitic School of Pharmacy at the University of Madrid (UCM). She obtained a doctoral degree in microbiology and parasitic degree from 2015. Her research focuses on the new leading compound of the propaganda parasite trichomonas vagina As well as biomolecules that evaluate clinical samples, including drug resistance and the existence of symbiotic bacteria in bacteria and viruses. Subsequently, the Department of Microbiology and Parasitic in UCM won the position of research teaching staff, and became a member of the university research team’s “epidemiology, diagnosis and anti -parasitic treatment”. Her research continues to focus on burrs. In recent years, she has also evaluated the actual influence of this neglected sexually transmitted infection in the crowd, and cooperates with high -level hospitals such as Puerta De Hierro Hospital.

Celia Bolumburu He has a PhD in microbiology and parasitic degrees, and has a pharmacy degree from the University of Madrid (UCM). Since 2016, she has been working in the Department of Microbiology and Parasitic in UCM. Her research focuses on epidemiology and biomolecular research trichomonas vagina Cooperate with Puerta de Hierro Hospital (Spain)Essence Her past studies also include research location learning DNA topology, and studied at the CENTRO de INVESTIONESBIOLógicas (CIB-CSIC) and the study of chronic fatigue syndrome at the Institute of Neuroscience at the University of Newcastle. In addition to research, she also worked in the pharmaceutical industry’s medical department to combine scientific research with the actual perspective of medical care.

Vega zamora Graduated from the University of Madrid (Spain). Microbiology and parasitic degree in 2017. At that time, she conducted 4 years of training in clinical microbiology residents in the Purta de Hierro Hospital (Spain) in Spain (Spain) and obtained a PhD in 2019. Study the immune regulation characteristics of the larvae antigen Anisakis simple Among mice and humans. She studied how these antigens were individually or with TLR agonists alone or combined with TLR agonists in bone marrow dendritic cells. In addition, she studied resistanceAnswer: Simple The different subtypes of antibodies in the serum of a healthy/septic tank and T/B cells. As a resident, she also participated in the development of research projects between Puerta de Hierro Hospital and the University of Madrid (Spain). Her research focuses on the relationship between the prevalence and the clinical ending of the internal symbiotic bacteria and the resistance of drug resistance or tituration disease. After that, she conducted a short -term doctoral post -doctoral after the Fichorova Lab from February to July 2020. As a research interns, she focused on the study of new biological friendly vaginal products to improve the comprehensive reproductive synthesis of menopause. The germ health of women with symptoms. In Spain, she has served as a clinical microbiologist for 3 years at Valdepeñashospital, where she actively participated in the infectious disease and antibacterial management planning team (2020-2023). At present, she is looking for a new field of vision to focus on public health and infectious diseases. Outside the laboratory, Vega likes to learn new languages, travel and writing.

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