Evaluate the financial feasibility of the full payment of full paid patients in Malaysia

The expansion of dual practice in public hospitals has always been a strategic response to senior experts and physicians to the growing loss of private sector. This phenomenon is called a full paid patient (FPP) service, which was initiated by the Malaysian Ministry of Health in 2007. The main purpose is to retain senior experts by allowing them to generate supplementary income, while reducing the government’s financial burden on providing subsidies for subsidies for these people. Who can afford payment.
The research team supervised by Professor Sharifa Puteh of Kebangsaan University in Malaysia has developed a research agreement to evaluate the impact of FPP hospitalization services on the selection of financial performance in Malaysia hospitals. This study was mainly conducted by Dr. Malindawati Fadzil, as well as Dr. Azimatun Aizddin from Kebangsaan University in Malaysia, Dr. Zafar Ahmed from Nosenbia University, Dr. Nor Muhamad and Dr. Abdul Harith from the Ministry of Health of Malaysia. Essence Their work aims to determine whether the income of the FPP service can pay costs and may generate profits, and publish it in the PLOS ONE journal.
The research focuses on four hospitals: Serdang Hospital, Pulau Pinang Hospital, Sultanah Aminah Hospital and Sarawak Heart Center. It analyzes the costs of data, income, and execution cost profits (CVP) analysis in recent years. The analysis calculates the balance point of the income and expenditure, which indicates that the amount of service required for paying costs without losses or profits.
Professor Puteh explained the importance of this research: “After years of implementation, the effectiveness of FPP services in recovering service delivery and generating profit is still uncertain. Effect of income and cost on the profit and loss of selected hospitals. “
Researchers use a comprehensive method to collect and analyze the necessary data. They use MalaysianDrg Casemix systems related to Malaysia, which helps to classify diseases and calculate costs based on actual clinical data. The system introduces in detail the costs related to different medical conditions and treatment, thereby thoroughly analyzing the financial aspects of FPP services.
In order to understand the financial feasibility of FPP services, researchers checked fixed costs and variable costs. Fixed costs are those who maintain constant costs, regardless of the number of patients who receive treatment, such as salary and public utilization. On the other hand, the variable cost fluctuates with the service volume (such as medical supplies and drugs). By distinguishing the costs of these two types, the team can more accurately evaluate the profitability of services.
One of the key aspects of the study is how it focuses on understanding the amount of service, how changes in cost and pricing affect the profitability of medical care providers. This information is important to make a wise decision to ensure the sustainability of FPP services. Researchers have also discussed the trend of service volume, income and cost to identify the improved model and potential areas.
Professor Puteh pointed out: “The results of this research may not accurately reflect the profitability of FPP services, so it is necessary to conduct further research in this field.” This study also studied the potential of cross -subsidy. In these potential, you can use it, you can use it, you can use it, you can use it. You can use it. You can use it. You can use it. The income of private patient services to support public medical services.
All in all, Professor Puteh and his colleagues’ comprehensive assessment of FPP services in Malaysia Hospital aims to determine whether these services can achieve financial sustainability. These findings will make strategic decisions to guide decision makers and medical care managers to improve the effectiveness and efficiency provided by Malaysia’s healthcare.
Journal reference
Malindawati Mohd Fadzil, Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh, Azimatun Noizuddin, Zafar Ahmed, Nor Asiah Muhamad, Abdul Aziz Harith. “Analysis of cost profit analysis of the cost of full paid patients in Malaysia: Research Plan.” PLOS One (2023). Doi: https: //doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0294623
About the author
Dr. Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh The main interests are health policies, unequal health and health economics. She has been appointed Casemix Consultant and encoded experts (with UN-IIGH and ITCC UKM) in developing countries to study and build a health system in developing countries. She has served as a previous position. As a deputy dean, she is a honorary researcher at the UKM of the Tun Fatimah Hashim Women’s Leadership Center and the chairman of the technical consulting committee of the MOH Economic Economic Assessment. She was appointed consultant to the human resources department on the burden of occupational disease -related diseases; the awarded reviewer of the Ministry of Education (MOE), and the problem of using VAPE between candidates for college candidates, the local university reviewer of the local university of the Setara Department of Education The prevalence of autism of the Ministry of Health and Prime Minister’s Prime Minister’s Ministry of Health and Prime Minister’s Prime Minister’s Department of Efficiency. She is the reviewer of other local and foreign journals, and published papers locally and abroad. She often writes in newspapers, chapters, books, and appears in the media. Problems related to product care. She paid tribute to the advocate of Malaysia to reduce the injury and was part of the Asia -Pacific region to reduce harmful experts.

Malindawati Mohd Fadzil It is a medical expert with the background of clinical practice and medical care management. She obtained a medical degree from the Sanyi College of Dublin, Ireland, and later studied at the International Health Services and Hospital Management of South Bank of London, England in 2016. Her professional interests include extensive themes, including hospitals and health management, health plans and policies, and health financing. Dr. Malindawati transitions from clinical practice to health care management, and has played a key leader role in the Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH). From 2013 to 2019, as the chief assistant director of the hospital management and service department’s hospital management and service departments, he also served as many plans aimed at improving the quality and availability of public hospitals. Her strategic supervision is very important in development and implementation of professional and professional service development plans and the infrastructure plan of the MOH hospital. These plans aims to improve the opportunities to obtain professional nursing and improve medical services available for the population. Doctor Malindawati is responsible for supervising all paid patients (FPP) services in the MOH hospital, where her leadership helps to conduct cost analysis costs and formulate policies and guidelines for shaping the FPP service framework. In addition, she has a strong interest in lean health care, and has played a vital role in the introduction and implementation lean method in the MOH pioneer improvement plan. She is also an alumni of the MOH talent modification plan. This is the structured talent development plan of MOH technology medical professionals. At present, the Malaysian Ministry of Health’s Malaysian National Institute of Cancer is the Deputy Director of Malaysia’s National Cancer Institute, Medical II. In this position, she continues to use her rich experience and strategic viewing to promote the public health plan and optimize the national medical care. She recently obtained a doctoral degree in public health at the University of Kaibangsha, Malaysia, and further consolidated her commitment to promote the public health field.

Associate Professor Azimatun Noor Aizuddin He is a well -trained doctor who has obtained a master’s degree in community medicine and a doctorate degree. She is a public health adviser. She is currently the head of the International Casemix and Clinical Code Center. The hospital can be the senior lecturer of the Department of Public Health Medicine at the UKM School of Medicine. She is also the former assistant editor of the International Public Health Research Magazine and the reviewer of some local and international journals. She has published and publishes more than 80 papers and book chapters in local and abroad. In addition, she is also a member of the economic evaluation of the Health Technology and Technology Consulting Committee; Casemix Technology Consulting Committee; members of the technical committee implemented by ICD11, external reviewers of the Scientific Examination Committee (SRB) of the MOH Health System Institute; Honorary Secretary of the Malaysian Health Economics Association; Malaysian Pharmaceutical Economics and Results Research (MySport), lifelong members of the Malaysian Public Health Medicine Association, EXCO and lifelong members of a Malaysian Health Network University (Myohun).

Dr. Zafel Ahmed He was a doctor who decided to engage in public health career early in his career. After MBBS and training, Dr. ZAFAR completed a master’s degree in business administration, and then a master’s degree in economics. He obtained a doctorate in public health and health economics at the National University of Malaysia/UN University for International Global Health ( Unu Iigh), Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur. He is currently a assistant professor at the Department of Health and Life Sciences at the University of Norsenbia University of Health and Life Sciences. Dr. ZAFAR has worked widely for the reform of the health departments of Malaysia and other countries. In the reform of the health department, he specifically studied economic analysis of health strategies and medical care financing. He has cooperated with international organizations such as Asian Development Bank (ADB), World Bank (WB), GTZ, AUSAID and the World Health Organization (WHO). The countries he cooperate with it include Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos PDR, Cambodia, Uruguay, Pakistan and Britain. His research interest includes the economic burden of the disease and the economic burden of the disease, the economic evaluation/analysis of health intervention measures, and the disease and economic modeling. He is particularly interested in health information and data management and analysis. Dr. Zafar has rich teaching experience and participates in graduate teaching at home and abroad; including Nonbie Bia University, Britain, Malaysia, Kaibang Saan University (UKM), Malaysia University of Sarawan, Malaysia Sabah University (UMS) And the University of Malaysia (UTM) and Aga Khan University, Karachi, Dowwow of Health Sciences, Dowwow of Health Science of Health Science, and the University of Yamen Sana University. He also regularly participates in training and capacity building and consulting with various ministries and international organizations. Most of his publications and research papers are medical care, Casemix’s implementation and efficiency economic assessment.