
Advanced thermoplastic models are expected to be lighter and safer cars

Researchers at the Graduate School of Organic Materials Sciences at the University of Yamagata are led by Tetsuo Takayama, Quan Jiang and Akihiro Nishioka. It has developed a high -end model to evaluate the influence of the influence of short -term fiber enhanced thermal plastic. The work published in the polymer emphasizes how this material is, especially when used in the field of transportation such as cars and aerospaces, how to reduce the important role in greenhouse gas emissions by replacing heavier metal components.

This study emphasizes the importance of short -fiber enhanced thermoplastic plastic in reducing carbon dioxide emissions, especially in home vehicles and aircraft that reduce key weight. Researchers explained that although the enhanced plastic of carbon fiber has been used in high -end cars and aircraft, their high cost restrictions are widely used. In contrast, short -fiber enhanced thermoplastic plastic provides a more cost -effective alternative method, making it an attractive material with practical applications such as car body components.

Professor Takayama, Quan Jiang and Akihiro Nishioka are committed to the anti -blow power of these materials, which is the key feature of ensuring safety and safety. Professor Takayama said: “In our research, we aim to model and predict short -fiber enhanced thermoplastic products. The impact intensity is important for understanding the behavior of these materials under pressure.” They combine experimental methods and theoretical theories Methods can create a quantitative model that matches the results in the real world, thereby providing a reliable method to predict the mechanical properties of the thermoplastic material enhanced by short fiber.

The results of their research show that the direction of glass fibers in thermoplastic matrix plays a vital role in determining the impact strength. The short fiber length due to the injection process tends to reduce the overall strength of the material. Researchers have found that optimizing the direction and length distribution of the fiber can significantly enhance the impact, thereby making short fiber enhanced thermoplastic plastic plastic more durable in high pressure environments (such as vehicle collision).

Professor Takayama also found that the shear strength of the fiber matrix interface is a key factor in controlling the mechanical properties of these materials. Professor Takayama explained: “Our model reveals the close correlation between the cutting strength and impact strength of the fiber-matrix interface, which can be applied to a variety of fiber directions and length.” The future design of high -performance materials is of great significance.

In short, the study provides a in -depth understanding of the mechanical properties of the short fiber enhanced thermoplastic plastic, and provides a reliable model for predicting its impact intensity. With the efforts of global reduction in carbon emissions, materials such as short fiber enhance thermoplastic plastics to achieve sustainable goals by reducing weight and improving vehicle safety, which is becoming increasingly important in achieving sustainable goals effect.

Journal reference

Jiang, q., takayama, T. And nishioka, A. (2023). “The impact energy dissipation and injection modulus to form a quantitative model of short fiber enhanced thermoplastic plastic.” Polymer. Doi: https: //

About the author

Boast It is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Science of Organic Materials. He obtained a bachelor’s degree in engineering in 2018 (from HeilongJiang Institute of Technology, mechanical design, manufacturing and automation major). From 2017 to 2019, he has always been a structural design engineer of the composite drive shaft of China Tyne Composite Material Facilities Co., Ltd. During this period, he had a strong interest in composite materials, especially on the interface of determining the design, the interface determines the design of the design. Composite structure. Since October 2020, his research on the intensity of the interface in composite materials has been curious, and he has begun to study master’s and doctoral degrees in Yamagata University. In his degree study, he proposed the interface shear cutting strength (IFSS) evaluation method based on short beam shear testing. This method directly measures the IFS of the fiber enhanced thermoplastic (FRTP) injection product S by shortening the distance between the support points in the three -point bending test. Based on the high -quality IFSS measured by this method, he further proposed a quantitative model for FRTP Charped Charpy impact strength. He wrote and jointly wrote six publications, which have been published in the international peer review journal. His interest areas include: interface cutting strength, thermoplasticity of fiber enhancement, gap in Xiabi impact strength, curing temperature and injection molding. His research vision is to contribute to the development of environmental protection and difficult composite materials.

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