
Lupins provides sustainable feed, but environmental factors have brought new challenges

Beana plants are bean crops, which have the huge potential of protein -rich feed sources, especially in areas facing environmental challenges. These crops are difficult and can grow under poor soil and harsh conditions, which attracts them to use in sustainable agricultural systems. However, new research emphasizes how different environmental factors (such as climate and soil characteristics) greatly affect the nutritional value and safety of feed beans feed, thereby bringing opportunities and challenges to livestock farmers.

Ana Rita Cabrita, Antóniomirada Fonseca and InêSValente, researchers from the School of Medicine and Biomedicine, researchers at Porto University (ICBAS-UP), and chemical network-related green chemistry laboratories (LAQVs) and technology (required) from Tella Trara The Henrique Trindad of the University of Montgus and the Henrique Trindad of the agricultural environment and biological science research and technology center of Citab-Utad (Citab-Utad, and their team, studied how to study factors. For example, the seeding location and date affect the quality of the three types of fan bean varieties. Their discovery, published in journals HeliyonIt shows that Lupins has huge potential as a source of protein, but certain species can produce harmful compounds if they cannot be managed correctly.

The focus of this work is three kinds of Lu Bin: Rubinos Albus (Bai Yu Fan Bean), L. Angustifolius (Narrow feathers beans) and L. Luteus (Yellow feathers). Sowing crops-Mirandela and Vila Real-in two different dates were sowed at the two places in Portugal to test how the location and date of sowing affect their productivity, nutrition and anti-nasal characteristics. The author said: “Our research emphasizes how important it is to consider the local environment when planting Lubin, because it has a direct impact on nutritional benefits and potential risks of using these plants as animal feed.”

One of the key results of this study is that the protein content and digestive rate of all tested feather bean species are relatively high, making it a strong choice for anti -ravioli. In addition to protein content, Lu Bin can also use nitrogen naturally to help improve soil fertility, thereby reducing demand for chemical fertilizers. It is found that the mineral content in Lupins is safe for cattle and sheep, and its essential nutrients are much lower than the harmful level.

However, the study also revealed some challenges. Lupins naturally produces chemicals called alkaloids to prevent pests. If you eat a lot, these alkaloids may be toxic to animals. The level of these compounds varies according to the type of feathers and its growth environment. Specifically, L. Luteus (Yellow feathers) resume. It is found that Cardiga’s alkaloid content is particularly high. If it is not managed carefully, this may constitute risks to livestock. The author explained: “Although white and narrow leaves can be safely used in animal diets, the higher alkaline levels in yellow feathers can limit their safe use.”

Lubanin, Spadin and Lutinine are the most common alkaloids, and their concentrations are based on biological and non -biological factors. L. Albus Lupanine with the highest level, and L. Luteus Subadin and Luyin have a higher level.

Despite these problems, researchers still have optimistic about Lu Bin’s role in sustainable agriculture. The author emphasized: “Lupins has incredible flexibility and can flourish in difficult environments, which makes them a precious tool for farmers who want to build a more sustainable system.” For farmers, choosing the right fan beans and using the appropriate growth technology to ensure that feed is important for animal safety.

All in all, although Lupins provides a promising solution for the demand for protein -rich livestock feed, farmers need to carefully consider the planting conditions of these crops. The study emphasizes the importance of the development of intelligent agriculture, thereby using the nutritional benefits of feed bean feed to the greatest extent, and at the same time, it reduces the risk brought by toxic compounds to the greatest extent. These discoveries can also guide future reproduction work to create a variety of feathers. The level of alkaloids is lower, making it more safer and more effective. It is used as a sustainable feed choice.

Journal reference

Cabrita, Arj, Valente, IM, Monteiro, A. wait. “Environmental conditions will affect nutritional value and alkaloids Lupine Face -for -food: The opportunity and threat of sustainable anti -animal system. “Heliyon, 2024.Doi: https: //

About the author

Ana Rita Cabrita It is an associate professor at the School of Medicine and Biomedicine (ICBAS) at the University of Porto. She is responsible for curriculum units in the field of animal nutrition in the comprehensive veterinary medicine. She is a common member of the Green Chemical Laboratory (LAQV) of the Chemical and Technology Network (LAQV). She has a responsibility and participated in several national and international research projects, including the common promotional projects of the animal nutritional field of industrial partners in the animal nutrition of industrial partners in production and partner animals. She wrote 5 chapters and 85 scientific articles, which were cited 2300 times, and H-Index was 27. And feeding strategies with high nutritional and functional value to improve sustainability, reduce environmental impact and improve animal health and animal products.

in亚S Maria Valente (Maria Valente) In 2007, she received her bachelor’s degree and obtained a Bachelor of Chemistry (MSC) at the School of Science, University of Porto in 2008. She completed a Ph.D. in Sustainable Chemistry in 2014, which is a cooperation plan between the University of Porto and New University New University. From 2014 to 2019, she was a postdoctoral researcher at Requimte/LAQV. Since 2019, she has been a researcher at Requimte/LAQV. Her specialty is analytical chemistry, and the main research focuses on the characteristics of chromatography metabolism, especially in the field of plant chemistry and animal nutrition. She co-authored a patent, published 52 papers (21 H-Index) in the international colleagues review journal, and wrote 3 chapters together. She is an active participant of the National and International Conferences, showing her research through verbal and poster lectures. In addition, she also cooperated with other countries and international research groups to apply her professional knowledge to projects led by industrial partners.

Henrique trindade He is a comprehensive professor at a professor of agricultural science/agriculture and environmental and environmental. He was a comprehensive member of the Department of Agriculture (Utad) and CITAB of the University of Detrásmosmontes E Alto Douro -Citab -Agricultural Environment and Biological Science Research and Technology Center (wwww.citab .utad .pt), served as the position of deputy director. Published +80 papers in the Scopus journal (H-IDEX: 28;> 2 500 quotes). Several graduate scientific executives (5 post -doctoral and 11 doctoral degrees), and participated in multiple research projects (12 EUs and 27 countries, some are project leaders). In his research, he coordinated the animal fertilizer, nutritional cycle and agricultural sustainable group of Citab to evaluate the impact of minerals and organic corrections on the flow of N and C (mineralization) (mineralization) and the entire nitrate. Immersed, the loss of ammonia content, ammonia volatilization, especially the biological genes of biological genes. Greenhouse gas (CH4N2O and CO2To. Study covers the effects of animal horse S, the management of fertilizer and crop residues, and the impact of climate change on plant growth and quality. His teaching activities focuses on “agricultural ecology and agricultural systems”, “farming crops”, “feed and pasture production” and “environmental impact of agricultural activities”.

Antóniomirada fonseca He was born in Aveiro, Portugal in 1970. He graduated from Trás-OS-MONTES E Alto Douro in 1993 and graduated from Trás-OS-MONTES E Alto Douro, graduated in 1993, and obtained a PhD in 1998 from the same university. In 1995, he won the University Senate Award and “Engineering Award” and “Britain”. Antóniotalmeida, 1996. António is a professor of animal sciences at the veterinary clinic of the School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, chemical and technology networks (required). He published more than 90 papers in the journal and book chapters of international peers (28 H-Index; Citation> 2400). His main research interest is dairy feeding and nutrition. However, in the past few years, his research field has expanded to adopt more comprehensive animal nutrition methods to move towards the sustainable development goal of the 2030 agenda. In addition, he has maintained a firm connection with the industry and cows. Antóniomirada fonseca is Ordem DOS Engenheiros (School of Agricultural Engineering).

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