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Value and currency indicators in event manager

Oh hey, what is this?

Luckily I took some screenshots when I saw this in the event manager because it disappeared pretty quickly. You now have the option to view value and currency metrics.

Let’s take a look…

what is it?

If you have this update, you may see the following alert.

“You can switch views to track the quality of the data you send with value and monetary parameters.”

There is a drop-down menu on the left for columns and filtering by different table types. Normally you would see the Add Event dropdown here, but it has been moved to the right.

In this new drop-down menu, the default selection is Event Usage Metrics, which is what we typically see now. New options are value and currency indicators.

value and currency

This will provide an overview of value-based metrics with the following columns:

  • value coverage
  • Valid values
  • Currency coverage
  • Valid currency

value and currency

Is it useful?

Since I don’t have access to this, I can’t reveal much about what to expect here or the value it adds. As far as I can tell, everything is fine with my currency and value indicators, both showing 100% (whatever that means!).

Do you have this update?

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