Ask advertisers to add you as a partner

If you manage ads for someone else, make sure your settings are correct.
Let’s discuss this…
You and your clients should have your own business portfolio (formerly known as a business manager). The client should add you as a partner.
The client should then allow you to access the following (if applicable):
- Facebook page
- Instagram account
- WhatsApp and Commerce accounts
- All active datasets, including pixels
- Custom conversion
- Custom audiences you might want to use
- Advertising account (if possible)
Ideally, your client will share their ad account with you so that you can have a history of previously run campaigns. If this is not possible, create a separate ad account for each customer. Meta requires all clients to be managed individually.
You should only be added as an individual if you are an employee. If you are consulting for other businesses, please do not add as an administrator. This creates exposure for you, your customers, and other customers you may not need.
You don’t know what your client has done in the past. They may have broken the rules. They may also violate their page rules when you work with them. Being added as a partner creates a buffer that protects everyone involved.
Is this how you set it up?